Now that my hang over has finally settled down enough for my brain - TopicsExpress


Now that my hang over has finally settled down enough for my brain to function properly i would like to thank everyone that attended Toxyc Xlr first seminar in house of kiss yesturday i cant thank everyone enough you werent just support yourselves by attending what i feel was an inspirational amd educational day for all. but like it or not you guys supported me and our little tattoo community this was the first time i ever played a role in hosting an artist and helping organise and structure a seminar and i felt alot of love and respect from everyone who attended from old friends and artist til new friends and artist who i look forward to seeing more of and hope we all stay in touch and grow better together.. id like to give a special thanks to Kíss Roberts who when i mentioned about toxyc her only questions was when does he start so we can advertise and when i mentioned the seminar what do we need.. someones studio is their life and home and to show someone else so much trust in organising something like this and who have made this past couple of weeks amazing with a few surprises along the way without these guys and you guys non of this would of came true and of course a huge thank you from myself and all of us to Toxyc and his beautiful missus Flavia Buzelin who have been an absoloute joy and an priviledge to have in my home and to be around they are humbling people and inspirational i just hope a day was enough to share these wonderful people with you and give you guys the same push and inspiration i have been given in what has been a career changing few weeks.. i will be sad to see them go but at least i can say toxyc came as a tattoo artist i admired and respected for a long time and now they will both leave as people i can consider close friends and who we will be seeing alot more of in the future :) what this has been for me i cant really put in words this entire venture so thanks to every single one of you and dont be strangers :)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:15:35 +0000

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