Now that strongman comps appear to be over for 2014, its time for - TopicsExpress


Now that strongman comps appear to be over for 2014, its time for me to train hard for the final Powerlifting Australia Brisbane meet, Nov 29 @ UQPWC and finally nail a 700+kg total. Following a deload for 2 weeks ago for the Brisbane Fitness & Health Expo Strongest Man competition, and another deload last week for the QLD Strongman Strength Quest, I decided to have a crack at testing my squat and bench press 1RM in order to create a program for the next ~2.5months (tested deadlift 2 weeks ago). Super psyched to nail an easy 262.5kg squat well below depth, adding 10kg to my max achieved 2 weeks ago. Also made a very easy equal PB of 145kg paused bench press (not filmed) and 155kg touch and go, adding 2.5kg. Bench press obviously still sucks but happy to increase given that bench press has been forgotten over the past ~2 months in favour of strongman specific training. First time testing a sample of Mesomorph today. Certainly felt the stim kick with only a single serve. Also feeling great using Recov Bipeptides Australia.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:57:10 +0000

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