Now that the Black Man has mastered the QURAN and decipher the - TopicsExpress


Now that the Black Man has mastered the QURAN and decipher the corrupted so called HOLY BIBLE. They tell him you cannot understand the QURAN unless you learn ARABIC so they can enslave him with their BULLSHIT for Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate he did ok. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 The Walls of EGYPT. Before Abraham I AM. The first coming was Spiritual and so shall be all the future comings. For they KRISHNA, ABRAM, BUUDHA, ZOROASTER, MOSES, YEHOSHUA, MUHAMMAD, BAB, BAHAULLAH, Dr. FARRAKKHAN are all but one and the same person with the same revelation from GOD. There shall be no man leaving the SKY name JESUS coming and take you to HEAVEN that is nothing but pure BULLSHIT created in the council of NICEA 19th June 325 I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 1.ELIJAH MUHAMMAD (1929 - 2929) 2.Dr. LUIS FARRAKKHAN (2020 - 4020) 3.MOSES.(4021 - 5021) 4.YEHOSHUA (ANTWANER) (5022 - 6022) 5.MUHAMMAD (6023 - 7023) 6.BAB (7024 - 8024) 7.BAHAULLAH (8025 - 9025) 8.KRISHNA (Before Abraham I AM) (9026 - 10026) 9. ABRAM (10027 - 11027} What goes around comes around. History always repeats itself. 360 Degrees The Six Thousand Years of the ADAMIC CYCLE HAS ENDED. Let us create man in our own IMAGE & LIKENESS from the Womb of the BLACK WOMAN. ZOROASTER - Dr. Minister Louis Farrakhankhan. Zoroaster teachings BC shall be Dr. Farrakkhan teachings 2020 - 4020. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 What does it take to enlighten a soul? Buudha - Enlightened One. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 The most EDUCATED people on EARTH never, went to a School Building. Going to a School Building does not make you Educated. Europeans and by extention American Schools makes you a Slave you have to pay to become a House Slave that is all their Education do for Black People. If Black people Build their own Schools. There would be Equity in their Education System and they can free themselves from the White Man. He who Educates you controls you Let US make man in our own image and likeness ...............Dr. KrishnaIslam. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. All the AMEN not one got a BLASTED BLESSING, from JESUS because the JESUS that I know is crying to the createreerr to help the suffering of Black People in AMERICA. If your AMEN is for the Black People suffering you can take that JESUS and kiss my ASS. Many shall come in my name.............Yehoshua. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. Continue to DREAM. The white man has a DREAM too. The more silent the African man becomes the faster America would fall. Too much Blasted old talk and emotions. 2. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments. 3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. 4. The Teachings of Elijah Muhammad. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 20:08:49 +0000

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