Now that the first test grades are in, heres the spiel that you, - TopicsExpress


Now that the first test grades are in, heres the spiel that you, as an AP science student, will undoubtedly hear: 1) You will not get to see your graded work. Unlike other classes or levels, this class mimics the AP test grading system in the sense that you will only see the result, not the process to that result. It sometimes feels like youre walking blind, but thats why youve got to know your content. Then again, knowledge of the content is half the battle; the other half is confidence in your answers. 2) I have a [insert grade here] and its not a [insert undoubtedly higher grade here]! Im going to fail! Off of this statement, a couple things: First, this is a class that is designed to before rigorous and intensive than other classes, perhaps for some of you the first kind of such a class in your educational career. Hence the AP tacked in front of it. Second, this is only the first test. Consider it both a wake up call and a testing-the-waters kind of reminder. Remember that the coveted A means that you have understood and clearly demonstrated your mastery of the content to the existing standard; for a large majority of yall that is a goal to strive for. The grades in Bio will drop, and therefore the class gets its reputation as pretty much a pit of suffering from the quality and quantity of work demanded from you. Third, if you truly are worried by your grade, which Im sure Uji will give her own talk on this, then go talk to Uji! Your AP science teachers are now filling the role of professors, and talking to them will help. Speak your mind and ask your questions. Its not their goal to fail as many as they can; its their goal to prepare you for the AP test come May. Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? 3) Time management and efficiency. Please figure out your needs as far as time: time needed to physically read a chapter, time needed to mentally consider the chapter, time needed to fully understand the chapter. Its not always that Uji will give you a lecture, so do not rely on that alone to survive the reading quizzes and exams. Figure out how much time you need, and plan accordingly! Same goes for lab work — collaborate and get small parts of your lab done over time so that you dont panic the night before. It does you no good in terms of grades and in terms of your already wrecked sleep schedule. 4) Sleep. Please, sleep. It really sucks to be groggy and semi-unconscious during the exam, because handwriting and sentence cohesiveness tend to go out the window as well. It also really sucks when youre attempting some delicate lab procedure and your need for some shut-eye makes you a bit less aware and a bit more prone to error. Take care of yourself. The study of life is not a descent into death. Hopefully thisll answer or temporarily placate some questions. Ask questions to your instructor—she knows best.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:51:19 +0000

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