Now that we realize that the devil has prosperities which are - TopicsExpress


Now that we realize that the devil has prosperities which are counterfeit. Because everything God does the devil always has a trap and snare mimic! Amen!?! Understand though, one must compromise their walk in the Lord in order to maintain the devils delusional godly prosperities! (St. Matthew 4:8-10) The devil shall be more than happy to prosper you his way, as long as you dont realize its him behind it! He desires for someone to twist the Word of God in order of maintaining his offered prosperity! If you have to conveniently twist your steadfastness in the Word of God and craftily begin walking lukewarm to his Will; guess who is behind that!?! Our flesh, the devil or both! Amen!? The Holy Ghost shall not influence one to compromise Gods Word. No way, nada, nope, ugh-ugh!! Wont happen!!! To get Gods prosperity, the right way, we must do more than just making confessions and faith as false preachers and teachers who make merchandise of you by convincing you into buying their blessed and anointed advertised products! We must first prove ourselves worthy of receiving whatever the Lord has in store for us. (Deut. 8:1, 2) Then he shall prosper us, if we are found proven and worthy of it! Plenty of disobedient believers are out there so delusionally convinced by these jacklegged church leaders that all youve got to do is confess and believe! Forget our obedience to living righteously and diligently according to his Word by faith! Everybody shall not be wealthy; but material prosperity does not mean that you have to be sumptuously wealthy! You can be well to do in whatever your status in life may be; whether you are rich, middle or poor class. Even poor people can be prosperous! Look, for instance, at the poor woman of Zarephath in 1st Kings 17:8-24. Those, who desire to be rich, want to believe she became filthy rich later on! But she didnt! God became her supplier even in the midst of her situation!! Nowhere does it say she became rich and built a bigger house or bought a golden horse-drawn chariot!! After the poor woman did as the man of God had instructed her to do, then Prophet Elijah said unto her in verse 14, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, (UNTIL) the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth. God supplied her need because of her obedience to a true man of God!i In other words, after proving herself faithful, God then supplied her needs inspite of her situation; while still yet in her situation! Read 1st Timothy 6:6-8 and Philippians 3:7-14; 4:11-13. Contact!!! If you are doing something that you yourself know is not the Word of God yet you are pleased to continue on in it! Then dont wonder why things are not working out for you in the Lord the way you assumed that it should work out for you! Well, Im confessing and I have faith that it is already done! But yet you treat your loving saved spouse like dirt!! Check yourself!!! You have to prove yourself worthy or someone else who has proven themselves worthy, gets whatever you could have had instead! Uh-oh! Somebody did not like what was said there! Oh well! Its tight, but its right! Not only must I prove myself to God with my faith and confessing; but I must also realize that I must be totally submitted unto his commandments first, if I expect to ever receive all that he has in store; predestined for me!! (Deut. 4:1-9, 29-31; 6:1-5, 10-18, (v. 17, 18); 7:9-11; 8:6-18; 28:1-13; Joshua 1:7-9; Psalms 1:1-3; 3rd John 2). Amen!? Guess what else I must take heed too as well. I must understand that whenever God prospers me, others are involved in my prosperity also. Always in Gods prosperity avenues, a mission is involved! A responsibility comes with his properity!! It is not about the me myself and I; I got mine and I will not share it with nobody; especially not with those I know I ought to!! I want my house, my mega-church, my car, my own jet plane...; mine, mine, mine!! Bye-bye now!!! Now of course; sure we can eat of the fruit obtained but the Lord is expecting a work out of his laboring servants in order of gaining more servants to follow him!! Not to serve the Lord just to get things; but to serve him only as God; period, exclamation point!!! Alright, thats enough for now! Our next prosperity avenue is the one that gains the true favor of God into true worshipping believers lives and is the only avenue that shall save Gods people from ending up in the damnation hell! Spiritual prosperity. Amen somebody!?
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 00:32:19 +0000

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