Now, the Grand Finale of our story: The Amazing Story of Jessica - TopicsExpress


Now, the Grand Finale of our story: The Amazing Story of Jessica the Grand and Her Mastodon Family by Notty Bumbo Bumpintheroad Publishing And as the canopy fell away, and all the people watched from the shore and the assembled ships and boats, the Truly Great Thing spread its enormous blue and rose wings, lifted into the even bluer sky with one moon barely visible, and began to soar over the harbor. It circled with it’s fantastic golden body over the town and the lands beyond, out across the continent, across other oceans and lands, circled the entire world that held all the people, and birds, and mastodons alike, and never stopped, circling the world again and again like a third moon, creating a gentle breeze in its passing, leaving rains and small clouds in its wake. It announced its coming with a deep thrum from its maroon belly, and left all other birds singing as though it were spring every day as it passed from sight. And the people were finally happy, and made the anniversary of that great day the first World-Wide Celebration of the Truly Great Thing, and made Jessica the Grand the Marshal of the parade, and made sure that Sly Fox, Starry Night, and Distant Horizons always had the very best hay, and rode on the first floats in every parade after that, and were bedecked with diamonds that caused all who looked upon them to reflect on the depths of their own compassion, and to always remember, and never forget again. Many years later, when Jessica the Grand was quite old, and Sly Fox and Starry Night and Distant Horizons were also getting older, they decided to return to their unknown islands, in order to pass their last years in peace and quiet. But as much as they wished for such things, life had other plans for them, and things, even some Very Great Things, still awaited them all in their unfolding futures. But that, as the saying goes, is another story. And you, and I, will just have to wait for it to unfold, like everyone else.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:35:07 +0000

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