Now there are those who usually love to give people the impression - TopicsExpress


Now there are those who usually love to give people the impression that when they come to Jesus all their needs, wants, desires, challenges and life’s trials will somehow evaporate or vanish into thin air. That, according to them, is because Jesus will see to it that they no longer have any need or face any challenge again in life. “Come to Jesus,” they will say, “and he will give you a good job.” “Run to Jesus, and you will receive a wonderful spouse.” “Turn to Jesus, and you will finish from school with a good grade.” “Hurry to Jesus now, and that Visa you have been seeking for years will be yours.” Truly, Jesus is able to do all these things and even many more for people. Nevertheless, that you turn to Jesus does not mean that any of the above mentioned things or the like will automatically happen to you. What I am saying is that your turning to Jesus will not necessarily make all your troubles and worries go away. A lot of people have been bewitched, bewitched I say, with this kind of dangerous teaching. They came to Jesus, expecting him to perform some kind of magic in their lives. But much to their chagrin, they found out that Jesus was not a magician. He has no magic wand that he gives to people in order to make their lives’ problems or challenges go away. Most certainly, Jesus has given out an invitation to all men in every place to come to him, regardless of what their problems are. He says, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28NCV Here he promises all who will come to him rest. But how does he intend to give them rest? We find the answer to that in what he says next. He says, “Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives.” Matt 11:29NCV Can you see that? You are not going to automatically experience rest just because you have come to Jesus; what will make you experience rest is your acting on what he teaches you. For instance, preachers are fond of saying, “If you want to have a good home, marry a devout Christian.” But marrying a devout Christian will not readily give you a good home. To have a good home, both the husband and the wife have to daily commit themselves to practising the teachings of Jesus Christ; otherwise, they are both going to experience hell right in the presence of Jesus Christ. That is the reality... (-from HOP October 2013, a Publication of Realities Ministries.)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:08:43 +0000

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