Now this is an interesting article about entrepreneurship. Its not - TopicsExpress


Now this is an interesting article about entrepreneurship. Its not everyday you read articles like this. Every one is busy making out their earning $50k launches in their first year of business and sipping mojitos in Bali. And what the writer says here is also true: If you have friends and family who are not entrepreneurs, they won’t truly understand what you are trying to achieve and the public pressure will be even higher. This is not a negative article. Its just highlighting some of the realities of growing a business, especially in your first year. Me? Not many know this but I was on the dole for 3 months at the end of last year. Im single, I dont have a partner or husband paying my rent, shouting me that hot chocolate on occasion or looking after my day to day needs. I have to account for every cent. The financial pressure has been huge. I didnt get to quit my job - it was taken away from me through a forced redundancy. I didnt have much time to prepare. But Im still here. Im alive. Ive learned more about myself in the last 18 months than I ever did before. And the momentum Im gaining in my business is starting to pay off. I have a long way to go - a long way to go because I do have a certain expectation of what success looks like to me and Im nowhere near it yet. Its just nice to read a different perceptive of establishing a start up biz than all the BS hey look at me I earned 6 figures last in my launch, its your fault youre not successful yet cos you lack abundance and dont have a vision board blah blah blah... No really, that stuff is important but there have been times over my journey, just like the article headline, where Ive wondered have I f*ckd my life up??!! People are often too scared to admit the truth and the unglamorous side of starting and building a biz despite what they want you to believe from their instagram pics. Stay strong. If youre like me, youre not a quitter. https://medium/everything-about-startups-and-entrepreneurship/how-quitting-my-corporate-job-for-my-startup-dream-f-cked-my-life-up-3b6b3e29b318
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:08:43 +0000

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