Now this is clearly a good example of stupidity, but not on the - TopicsExpress


Now this is clearly a good example of stupidity, but not on the cops end. I do not like cops nor do I trust them. The man in this video stole two drinks from a store. He walked out of the store and placed the unopened drinks on the ground and clearly he was waiting, knowing the cops would be called for the theft. He himself did not drink the drinks, he simply placed the drinks on the ground and appeared to be waiting for the cops to show up. When they did, he first backed up. The police followed procedure by telling him to take his hands from his pockets and get on the ground. The man refused and proceeded to walk towards the police intentionally ignoring the directives given to him by the police. He was warned again to remove his hands from his pockets and to not continue moving forward toward the cops with guns drawn. The thief then proceeded to walk more aggressively towards the police, challenging and taunting the police to shoot him, which he repeats over and over again while proceeding forward towards the police aggressively, ignoring the police warning. The man, thief as it were, could clearly see the guns drawn, ignored instructions and the Police then shot him. People do not realize this is protocol. At the beginning this man who stole the drinks set this up himself. He clearly states publically that he is tired of this shit and then waits after stealing the drinks to confront the coming police upon their arrival. The sad truth of this story is the man who stole the drinks did this to HIMSELF, with intention to confront the Police, knowing they were called due to the theft he just committed. This story was immediately turned around by the spectators. They immediately started spinning the truth in a cop killing an innocent man. IT IS CLEAR, the man who stole the drinks intended a show down with Police by his actions and words prior to the Police even arriving. This is a problem for me and anyone who sees the truth of this story. In this case, the thief was NOT INNOCENT, SET THIS SCENERIO UP HIMSELF, INTENDED TO PROVE SOME POINT, that backfired on him. He intended to make the Police look like killers, but the truth is, by this film alone, the thief had a death wish. I assure you, even with this evidence that proves the man set out to have the police come and arrest him for theft, with the intent of challenging them, after all he stole drinks with no intention of drinking them, but yet still, the cops will be betrayed as gun happy thugs, which in this case....they are not. This just pisses me off how quickly the story was being twisted immediately from the get go by the spectators, as if the police just picked him out for nothing and shot him. That is not at all what happened here, but it will be told that way. Disgusting! De
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 07:21:55 +0000

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