Now this is worth sharing well done team! The tendency to over - TopicsExpress


Now this is worth sharing well done team! The tendency to over evaluate NASA through strict adherence to performance assessments during the past two administrations does not help rather it hinders the analytical thinking ability of the team. Increasing unnecessary stress and pressure on them like we have done unmercifully to our Armed Forces as well. Achieving maximum results only comes from having administrative support from Congress to assure that common sense reasoning is a technique that is adhered to at all times. In laymens terms, a fiscal budget created through integrity and good old fashion common sense does not create false grants for bogus reasons in any department. This kind of micro management well cause a sane professional intellectual into a mad scientist orbiting out of control. It is all relative the matter that matters the most is the bottom line are basic elementary school comprehension questions. How much does the said unit cost is it something that we really need and what is the full appraisal not the mocked up version for manufacturing and is it for the greater good for the entire team or personal wealth and gain. If we are enforcing such a strict regulation on NASA then best be believing that Congress needs to anti up at the table with their chips as well. Local government is a great way family to understand about the full waste and dirty pool that happens in our Capital and in out of control government regulations. With the amount of money that has been wasted in the past 30 years We could have flown to Jupiter rescued Mars closed our borders fixed our bridges replaced every out dated water pipe and computer that has busted and still have been able to figure out a way to drill without fracking. Our young people need jobs and our dedicated people who have paid their dues deserve to have a Social security check when they officially retire. Yet still oil prices have been out of control and our hard working American peoples tax dollars have been grossly wasted on senseless wars and silly fights over differences of personal business issues that everyone needs to just butt out of by minding their own business and leave it alone. WE spend millions every day to arrest people growing weed while we have people trying to harm us from within our own borders? How about we let NSA and NASA and all our special teams and border patrol have a crack at it without over regulating their activity and jurisdiction for awhile. Best bet this time we can get some real work done without risking our soldiers lives fighting wars that we have no business being in. Our firemen and policemen are in need of raises and new equipment while we have too many suits that are over stuffed hammering out the piggy bank with no thought of our childrens future on earth or in outer space. R.E.M.ember the saying too many cooks spoil the broth? Childlike lessons of sensibility one is never too old to become wisely learned. There are great innumerous songs that teach us lessons to adhere to REM has a great one it is called Losing My Religion A little God conscious is a great thing reminding us all to love and not steal one anothers cookies just because one can get away with it. Less government more rights of people in local government then people will be glad to help support NASA in outer space as we take care of our people in and on this space place planet earth. The reason why so many today have not been supporting NASA is because they have been so broke and misused for so long. Space travel is a beautiful thing and will one day be possible a lot less justification for falsifying records can go a long way when it comes to budgeting the departments that matter most. NASA should have never had to look for outside sources to fund them if our government been doing what was best for our people. People in positions that do nothing go mad bored and then get into trouble and then cause trouble for others by trying to cover it up. Do what you love, love what you do and there will be peace and prosperity for me and U. Having to count every penny allotted to them is not fair to anyone with passion and intelligence trying to make a difference in our world.There is more the enough of a free budget left in the kitty after we fix the real problems at the VA and in the over expenditures of useless jobs in Washington.Achieving excellence in space endeavors is only as productive as the team behind them. Lets get behind NASA Washington and stop wasting lives time and money on expendurees that fuel wars at home and over seas . lets start by passing the American Transportation Act please! Lets us agree n unity one nation under God that we no longer have any use provocation or justifiable reasoning for a lack of integrity in ourlives for many who have sold America out and hinder what NASA is really all about quite frankly it is time to change job assignments or simply retire.>>>>
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 20:38:14 +0000

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