Now this may not look like much but this was possibly the best - TopicsExpress


Now this may not look like much but this was possibly the best chook Ive ever had. I didnt think too much of it when I put her on but the proof of the pudding is in the eating and this was magnificent! So succulent, juicy and full of flavour. My two secrets to cooking the perfect chook are.. Firstly you need to start with a good quality chicken. Which isnt such an easy task as you might believe and may take some time before you find a decent supplier. Unfortunately 9 times out of 10 you wont find this at your local Woolworths or Coles and most people think they are getting good quality until they taste difference. The flesh was just so moist but most important it was flavour dense. It was just like the chook was marinated, salted or brined all the way through, even though it was cooked whole. So what makes a good chook? Within 10 minutes of a chook hitting the oven, I can tell how good itll be by the amount of juice thats present in the bottom of the cooking vessel. Although its the opposite of what you might think. Some would think that the more the merrier but in fact Ive found that the less liquid, the more flavoursome the chicken will be. I guess it must have something to do with the major retailers pumping the chickens up so they can make more moulah by means of selling you a heavier chook. Whereas the chooks I get most often arent overly processed prior to hitting the plate. I occasionally get an average one from my place of choice which is my local IGA but I can tell the moment it hits the oven if itll be any good. It was quite lucky that we managed to find how good these chooks are in that we usually wouldnt buy stuff from IGA and stumbled across them in an emergency. So if your chook is oozing like a leaky tap, I recommend you consider purchasing your chicken elsewhere. The second secret is if youre an average cook or dont have time to cook a roast every night, let alone afford to eat out, the easiest way to cook restaurant quality roasts in a fraction of the time is to get yourself a Flavourwave or more commonly known as a Turbo Oven. I should really quit work and sell these things for a living because after one bite of something from one of these little gems, youll be hooked and begging me to take your money. Almost 9 out of every 10 dishes I make is made in this and it makes the average cook look like a pro and under $100 a pop they are extremely good bang for your buck. In fact these are so good that if you cant cook like a Master Chef winner on one of these, I would recommend that you give up cooking altogether. In all the times Ive introduced these to people, there have been zero failures in people being able to cook amazing food. Now I wont usually eat breast meat as it has the tendency to be dry and lacking flavour but with one of these your breasts will be that magical succulent that I keep raving about and youll be able to make crispy skinned pork and even lamb without any fuss. Quite possibly the best thing about the Flavourwave is that they cook things in half the time of a regular oven. So for me that means that I have a roast 5 to 6 nights a week and theres always leftovers to take to work the next day. Anywayyy.. Thats a couple of secrets to cooking the perfect chook. There are plenty more but without these two elements, my job would be made a whole lot harder. All the best and if you end up buying one, Id be happy to show you how to use it!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:51:06 +0000

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