Now this ought to perk the interest of ALL my married friends and - TopicsExpress


Now this ought to perk the interest of ALL my married friends and those who desired to one day get married. This is the intention of the LGBT mafia; to destroy the institution of marriage. Now I know gay people and some are my FB friends and this may not be your intention, but this is the intention of those who are cramming this agenda down our throats. Read this quote from LGBT spokesman Masha Gessen: “I agree that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it is a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. . . . Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there, because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change, and again, I don’t think it should exist.” Oh really!! Now as a Christian I obviously believe that God has ordained marriage as covnenant relationship between a male and a female in which they choose to share their lives together and pro create more life. The changes that have swept over this country are and attack from the enemy to destroy the very thing God has made to be. The very actions of our countries leadership ranks of rotten fruit as they all, with one accord, lift up their voices in support of this abomination (as the Bible calls) But now to advocate the doing away with the marriage covenant is another slap in the face to a country blessed by and interwoven with Christian values. These monsters are attempting to destroy all that this once great nation stood for making it a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Our kids (I do my homework) will be exposed to this nonsense more and more through public school as if public school has the right to teach what is morrally wrong or right. This latest attack should cause even the ostriches who hate to hear bad news perk up their ears and recognize something evil this way comes. Just because you dont like bad news wont prevent it from happening. If youre like me and think this is evil, then the ver presence of evil ought have you running for that which is good and true and just. Ive been warning all of you about the End Times for quite sometime now and now is a time to cling Jesus through prayer. They very hastening of all things bad seems to be moving at an alarming rate. Its never too late until you pass away or the rapture happens. You can repent of your sin now and put ALL your faith in Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:05:20 +0000

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