Now times have changed. Forgotten heroes of Indian history are - TopicsExpress


Now times have changed. Forgotten heroes of Indian history are being remembered again. Children will learn Indian history is not limited to Gandhiji and a family of doubtful lineage that changed surnames probably many a time so that their true lineage is now lost. There were many heroes who sacrificed their all for the nation and its ideals. We passed through a 60+ year dark period when these people were obscured on the alter of a personality cult. To aid that western propagandists were roped in to pollute Indian History and such great people like Shivaji upto Tarabai who destroyed the Mogul empire were not given the rightful place and a false history of India was created where the Mogul empire did not end with Aurangazeb but was extended to cover the period upto 1857. - a full 150 years!! Similarly great souls like Rani Chennamma of Kittur and many other TRUE freedom fighters were consigned to oblivion while bigots like Hyder Ali and Tippu were re-invented as freedom fighters. Same way the great stalwarts of Struggle for independence were darkened so that ONE FAMILY can be projected whatever be their microscopic contributions. there were idiots that preferred to be slaves and paad sevaks of Goras. Fortunately those days are over and TRUE PATRIOTIC INDIANS are in saddle and I am happy that our grand children and their descendants will learn TRUE HISTORY of India untainted by votebank politics. I hope and pray for the day KASHMIR elects Indians and declare that Article 370 created for the self aggrandisement of a small selfish womaniser is confined to the dustbins of history. Our true Independence day is 16 May 2014 Jai Hind. India National Congress
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:20:10 +0000

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