Now was the time to tell you the world My kid. Now - TopicsExpress


Now was the time to tell you the world My kid. Now was the time to tell you the world The world of labor Inform you that the children of God But ... Jesus, the Son of God, who alone is Alter you were How do I do it ? - It is the holiness of my death Learned the importance of my existence for mankind Hidden Secrets of My Father s will (秘 意) was If I am Son of my Father God alone then Are you a child of the human race who ? Who is it to you and ask Son , whether one or several Like all sons , each one is a rare and precious? Ask questions! All sons any father as valuable I valued my fathers son, you will also I have to save the earth, my brothers and my Leave their children in order to save the earth Abandon their lives in the name of Jesus Christ to come Captain of sacrifice alive again crucified was executed Do not know anyone without reason to die miserably for others to know that does not die How the hell can it decided? It came to the earth the human race I was in love with a woman Married and gave birth to my child and left in order to obtain and Just my brother, my father, the children of the earth with you, brothers and save the human race was to Almighty and eternal holy child of my father is 17 people Of them the children of the earth flourishing 12 people , including me, this is a 12 tribes it is found in the Book of Revelation I have to take them Born in human body was meant to stay on the distant planet Earth My poor children and brothers The immortalitys body to give the light of heaven will come to take my father to the country This is the promise of eternal life and heaven For an appointment , I came in the name of Jesus, 2000 years ago. Teach you , love you and miss you, and Died so tragic , but it is sublime So ... my kid. To death love and so I finally chose my death Eager for Your Love your brother Marduk came in the name of Jesus October 8,2013 19:30 Pyeongtaek mass of the bijeondong Cathedral....after Eucharist I come in the name of John is Elijah, the Creator of mankind, the third son of God Enki LORD Is Ningishzidda He is person of Father God sent to humanity who one of the last witnesses He announced God to mankind, Announces Their original appearance to inform Forgotten the source The most important promise of God and of humanity The specific circumstances of eternal life and salvation, to inform humanity serves to prepare The truth! It is Gods love for humanity, is to tell why 17 people , including me, is the son Seven of them will be selected for the mission However, the deep involvement of the devil , most of the seven patients is not their duty to go back to the original thought and action are It will be a tragedy for all mankind is fatal I found that no one believe in this fact with the adapa name of Yohakim the partner of my soul and my God has sent to the two witnesses He know And this is not just Pride, nor arrogant, I am in command of the person who is with me Amine almin .... Athen! Jesus said that instead Amin, Amen is of Aramaic , Aten is the Amen of Akhnaton that declared the instruction of Pharaoh 18 Original Egypt of 10 instructions Moses announced He is the father of Pharaoh Tutankhamun Tutankhamun is the Pharaoh of the last of the son of God , He is Skull fracture and broken leg by her father Ay and her ( his wife Titi soul of Adapa) Stepmother Nefertiti , Amen Priest that Ay is Tutankhamun died immediately crowned now Pharaoh-Nefertiti is It is a woman of other countries of the Book of Revelation He is a priest of Amen Religion a Satan , the descendants Pharaohs has been a symbol of Satan Here is the opportunity for all symbols Masonic use has become as if to symbolize the Pharaoh of Egypt Satan , is that because God is required, to receive God in ceremony of darkness and go through the consciousness of God in this way By the way , religion Judaism Jewish believe the right investment trust , that God is a belief , such as the God of Amen Professor Cattle god, golden calf is their God So it is to pronounce Cries of cattle sound Amen to prayer last And , Tutankhamen is also one of the seven And when I as Ningishzida came to earth , involved in human race the reproductive The flood, the earth was before Nibiru revolution period (3600) years ,once(3600) twice (7200 year) half-turn of the (1800) as 12600 years were every time rotation this incident is when Atlantis sank into the sea This appear in the Book of Revelation and Flood when mankind earned 500 people were rescued by the spaceship And eight people were rescued in the ark of Ziusudra And now that the human race was thriving on the ground This incident, in some previous events far more than the days of Egypt Moses of the Bible was written Do not go upside down never time My soul, the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl of the cross, Egyptian god Todd, and the Oriental is Fuxi Now, all 7 billion to help the rescue and ... if possible ~! YouTube:456525ful ....Adapas My blog: Ningishzida : Nefertiti : Tutankhamun : Akhenaten : Thank you~!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:28:39 +0000

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