Now we have a more ‘facts’ in the case of Ashya King. Fact. - TopicsExpress


Now we have a more ‘facts’ in the case of Ashya King. Fact. The young man and his family were told by the UK hospital that they could do no more for him. That in their expert medical opinion his illness is terminal. In short, they expect him to die. Fact. The parents felt this was not a done deal and planned to finance an alternate treatment, available in a number of countries worldwide. Fact. The UK hospital had denied the King family this very same alternate treatment, though it is available to UK patients. Fact. The alternate treatment cost in excess of £100k. Putting aside all the conspiracy theories, only one point made over the last three days makes any sense to me. What do you think would happen if they went abroad, paid for this treatment and it worked? I will tell you what would happen. In the future such cases would have a greater chance of justifying the expense to the NHS of this treatment. Do you get it now? This is not about overzealous police. This is not about government concern for Little Ashya. This is not even about who ‘owns’ our children. This is about MONEY. This is about parents on one hand, who will spend any amount to give their child the best chance of survival and a system unwilling to spend on the life of ‘just another child’, but happy to see MPs fiddle expenses to within a millimetre (yes I have gone metric) of the law. Which parent would not sell there every possession to try and save the life of their child? I thought we lived in the age of “every child matters”?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 09:22:05 +0000

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