Now, what could follow the post below about Carolyns success? - TopicsExpress


Now, what could follow the post below about Carolyns success? Well, quite appropriately, is our disgust at the Job Centre Plus and general lack of support for funding that should be there for those eligible, when in actual fact, because we cannot guarantee employment upon completion of one of our courses, eligible people specifically requesting funding that they are entitled to, are being turned away. We cant reproduce an email we received from JCPs David Norfolk, but we can reproduce our response to his email. If you have attempted to get funding from your local JCP, and have been turned away despite knowing you are eligible, we suggest you complain, and demand that the JCP take your complaint to the Director General of Operations at the Department of Work and Pensions. Heres our response to an organisation that is supposed to be helping people get back on their feet. Share and comment if you support our complaint: Dear Mr Norfolk, I am somewhat astounded by your email but not entirely surprised. We have had shockingly disappointing service from some JCP Centres, whereas other course funding has been simple and efficient from more helpful advisors. How on earth can it be wholly inappropriate for us to help people with obtaining funding, because they’re not getting the help from JCP staff? Firstly, in what way does the training on offer not assist the claimant? You failed to mention the course in question, and what the claimant wished to achieve. I would be grateful if you could explain the situation you have in a little more detail, as your rather rude email is somewhat lacking in specifics, and as such, I can’t properly comment. I would argue that if the client has specifically come to us, wants one of our courses, and has asked about funding for those who are eligible via the JCP, then our course is in fact, exactly what they’re after. Our courses are designed to see people become self employed or to get employment working with dogs. We have vet nurses, Police dog handlers, dog trainers, dog walkers, dog sitters, dog groomers, kennel managers, rescue centre staff and many other professionals on our courses. The dog behaviour and training industry is not regulated and as such there is no more or less suitable course or qualification in the subjects we cover. We have highly qualified professionals on our courses, and many people are creating new businesses having successfully completed our courses, whether it be as a dog trainer, behaviourist, walker or sitter. Our courses are accredited by NCFE and we have an IIQ Licence. From what I can gather, some JCP staff, (and your attitude and email supports my impression) are prohibiting people from furthering their desired education and qualifications. Far from us interfering, you are hindering people from setting up a potentially successful business or accessing a career working with dogs, and preventing eligible people from obtaining funding for a course they specifically want. We have had many complaints about how unhelpful their Job Centre Plus was, and that they were told they could not get the funding for our courses, when other centres supplied the funding no problem. There seems to be zero consistency. What exactly is the point in us being registered suppliers if you interfere and prevent people from getting the funding for a course they want? You provide no information to support your comment that our course is not right for this particular client, while the client themselves are furious that they are not getting the support they want and need from the JCP. We are disgusted that eligible people are specifically requesting our courses via their local centre and are having the funding declined. The client has decided for themselves that the training is right for them and their job goal. We are merely informing these clients how funding was obtained by other more successful applicants, with the help of perhaps more useful and forward thinking Job Centre Plus staff. None of the information we provide is incorrect, and details how successful individuals obtained funding, and how an RFQ is responded to with a quote, which in turn is responded to with an order, followed by an invoice, followed by enrolment and payment. Do tell me exactly what is incorrect about this? The information is being provided because in many cases, it seems Job Centre Plus staff don’t even know about the Procserve system and a database of registered training suppliers. How dare you brand the supply of helpful information to those enquiring, as disappointing interference. It is your email and the lack of support from the JCP that is disappointing. We will not stop providing the information to those enquiring about the funding that is available, and specifically want one of our courses funded. It is our duty to the client to assist them in achieving their goal, which is to obtain funding for one of our courses. Perhaps rather than decide for them what is best, the JCP advisors should stop getting in the way of individuals desired training, and focus more on providing a more satisfactory service. It is both impossible and speculative to say what may or may not be on completion of one of our courses. No, there is no guaranteed job or employment. But how many courses within this specialised area offer such a guarantee? Making the decision for people and deciding the course is not right, is interference and goes against everything the Job Centre should be doing to help people get the training they want. We shall be sharing our disappointment and your general message with our 1,500 students, along with all future potential students and anyone enquiring about the funding that is supposed to be available, so they know to expect nothing but objection and a total lack of support from their JCP. I shall also be taking this up with my local MP. What a dismal attitude at a time where the Government is working hard to get small businesses up and running. It seems support at the JCP is only available to those wanting training that will lead to working for someone, and not for yourself. I request that this email be received as a formal complaint and forwarded to the Director General of Operations for the DWP, concerning the turning down of funding for eligible applicants requesting a specific course from a registered supplier, based on opinion and speculation. Sincerely, On Behalf of BCCS.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:02:34 +0000

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