Now you can view for the first time the biological transformation - TopicsExpress


Now you can view for the first time the biological transformation of a rod bacteria into a living blood cell as video taped under a microscope by Dr. Robert Young in 1996. youtube/watch?v=gQnWvaQCr-w Dr. Robert O. Youngs Research on the Biological Transformation of the Red Blood Cell into a Stem or Embryonic Cell and Then Into a Body Cell has been Validated and Published in Nature! Dr. Robert O. Young discovered the biological transformation of red blood cells in 1994 when he witnessed the transformation of a red blood cell into a rod bacteria. Since that time Dr. Young has been sharing his theory of biological transformaton of the red blood cell and its ability to change its shape, form and function. He has also taught for over the last 20 years that red blood cells are the primary stem cells that can transform into any type of body cell. The following discovery of stimilus triggered acquistion of pluripotent (STAP) or embryonic stem cells from red blood cells was theorized by Dr. Young over 20 years ago. The transformation of red blood cells into body cells, including bone, muscle, heart, lungs, etc. happens in the body every second of every day. The red blood cell is the primary stem cell of which all other body cells are created. For example, this transformation of the red blood cell in the regeneration of skin, happens inside the body in seconds NOT minutes. A broken bone is regenerated and healed by the biological transformation of red blood cells into Osteo or bone cells. Biological transformation of the red blood cell is a significant thing to understand because the health of the body and all body cells is determined by the health of the blood and the health of the blood is determined by the health of the small intestine where blood or stem cells are made and the quality of the food one is eating. That is why I recommend a plant based green food diet because healthy blood is made from green food and polyunsatured oils. I call this diet or live-it The pH Miracle Life-style. articlesofhealth.blogspot/2014/02/dr-robert-o-youngs-biological.html To learn more about bilogical transformation of the red blood cells read Sick and Tired, by Dr. Young and his scientific articles called, A Finger on the Magic of Life and Pathological Blood Coagulation published in 1999. To order Sick and Tired with the above articles go to: phmiracleliving/p-296-sick-tired.aspx As stated by Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, former head of research at Johns Hopkins University, stated, Dr. Robert O. Young is on the threshold of a New Biology if proven will revolutionize the medical and biology worlds as we know them today. Dr. Youngs theory on the transformation of the red blood cell into a stem cell and then into a body cell has NOW been validated which he discovered in 1996 over 18 years ago.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 16:01:51 +0000

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