Now youre rich in everything, rich in faith, rich in words, rich - TopicsExpress


Now youre rich in everything, rich in faith, rich in words, rich in knowledge, rich in sincerity to help brothers and sisters, and rich in love for others. Be ye also rich in loving service. You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He became poor for your sake, though he was rich, so that you may become rich by His poverty (2 Cor 8:7 & 9) ....... Thus, God is rich according to the criteria: I). Rich in faith. That is not to stand in the place of faith, not faith bonsai, faith should not remain small and stunted, there must be a change of faith. From before becoming a believer until it has become a believer, from spiritual blindness to spiritual literacy, haughty and arrogant nature should not be maintained. Once the correct faith, faith not only as sprouts, alive but remains small and stunted. Hearing brothers and sisters present the gospel of Christ to those who are still spiritual cataracts, rather than supported, even suppressed. More extreme, the person who delivered the Gospel insulted by saying she is crazy, fearing neighbors ostracized, shunned neighbors fear, whereas evangelism takes place in the home. Worried that the neighbors have bionic ears and hear the gospel and then later be ostracized neighbors, fearing that would later be shunned neighbors. What is this phenomenon? People believe this type of what? Christs sacrifice is so great, we can not reply to please Him through a little sacrifice? Heaven not having neighbors. Which will reward of sacrifice is not a neighbor, but God The Lord of heaven. Each haughty and arrogant nature will surely reply Lord, because God hates the proud and arrogant. Moreover, the degrading nature committed against our brothers and sisters. Fellow children of God, we ought to support each other, love each other, not insulting each other and hurt each other. II) Rich in words. That is, our words as the children of God should be that can bring peace to the hearing, not bring hurt and bitterness. If possible, as children of God, our words bring joy to the Lord to please Him through our words against our neighbor, especially to fellow brethren. III). Rich in knowledge. That is, we know a lot about the will of God by reading the Bible diligently. Not vice versa, diligent gossip about the evils of others, diligently vilify people, diligent issued hurtful words of others. We never know when God will stop the breath in our human body. Because of this, God wants us to compete in doing good (Galatians 6:9-10). If reminded friend in Christ for good, should be grateful, not vice versa, even hostile and insulting our friends in the faith which reminds us. IV). Rich in helping sooth. That is, do not harden not to help brothers and sisters, since God gives the ability to help. Galatians 6:9-10 The Lord reminds us, while they had the chance, while still breathing, a race to do good, not a race seeking glory for yourself through the things that are not pleasing to God. V). Rich in love. That is, as children of God, the love that is within us must be greater with the love that is owned by people who do not believe. Do not get otherwise. Children of God why even hard to love? The children of God how can deprive needy brethren. Remember, that God will send the locusts gluttons who will seize what you have if you hold the rights of the poor, and the locusts could be the equivalent glutton sickness that will eat away at your physical body, can be through accident, either through loss and so on. If it loses money maybe not how sick, but if you lose a child, or the loss of a mate? Love does not have to give money to others, do not have to give food or drink to others. Tell the way of salvation to others whose faith is still myopic, it is also equivalent of love. Do not even suppress evangelism that is being delivered, because God must be very angry with you because you have to obstruct the right to know God through evangelism, you have to obstruct people to earn a place in heaven. VI). Rich in loving service. That is, we should support loving service performed pastor, priest, through what we can provide, of appropriate readiness. Do not get lazy we had worship, we also folded our hands to not want to give, but God gives sufficient capability that allows us to be able to give. May the Word of God today + musings above, do not make you angry, otherwise you are going to look inward and fix your behavior, competing as directed by the Lord to do good in Galatians 6:9-10, because we never know when God will stop breath of life in our human bodies ..... Have a nice day my lovely FB friends, grab your reward today as much as possible through all the good, do not procrastinate in doing good, for we never know when God will stop the breath in the body mortal self. Lord Jesus bless you all and so do I
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:45:28 +0000

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