Now you’ve started taking the pills, it’s 3pm and you just - TopicsExpress


Now you’ve started taking the pills, it’s 3pm and you just realized you havent had anything to eat today. This is one of the primary things you will notice about the pills I supply. It kills your appetite. You’ll go hours without being hungry and while this is a good thing in theory it can present a number of problems. You need to eat to lose weight. What??? Of course you do. If you only eat once per day you are constantly triggering your body’s natural survival instinct to store food energy and how does the body store energy? As fat. While you are on the pills I supply I would recommend an alarm reminder of some kind. On your phone, in your MS Outlook or other email client, in your day timer. However you do it, eat every 2-3 hours. Doesn’t have to be a lot of food though. A yogurt, a granola bar, ham sandwich, bowl of cereal. Keep the calories low, and the fat low. High protein food is ideal. I’m not talking Atkins only protein and no carbs, but the more protein the better generally. You WILL find that eating is hard to keep up on with the pills I supply. This is the voice of experience talking. But if you schedule it and always have little snacks handy you can do this. Remember you are trying to trick your body into believing it doesn’t need to store any energy as fat because the next meal is only a few hours away. It may sound wierd, but the eat very little very frequently is a proven method of both weight loss and proper nutrution.inbox me about the pills I supply.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:57:35 +0000

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