Nowadays, as we all suffer from authoritarian state violence, we - TopicsExpress


Nowadays, as we all suffer from authoritarian state violence, we believe that the most important value that the pro-democracy and pro-pluralistic elements should stick to is solidarity. We strongly condemn the totalitarian state which tries to put the society in a straitjacket and targeting each and every individual and community who refuse. Our friend, the actor Memet Ali Alabora was explicitly threatened by first a newspaper that acts as a government speaker, and then by the Prime Minister himself during a public meeting. In this regard, we would like to inform the public and the press that we are standing by him. Memet Ali Alabora is not alone. On the very first days that Gezi Park Resistance has started, Memet Ali Alabora has always played a supporting role, especially backing up the resistance against the demolition of Gezi Park. He is known not to be a part of any political organization or party, and stood there only based on his sensitivity as an artist. Alabora has used his democratic right to voice his opinions against the policies carried out by the government. However, he was publicly shown as a target by the Prime Minister especially after his tweet, saying; “Don’t you see, what this is about is more than just a park”. (Bron : translateforjustice.wordpress/2013/06/24/bogazici-performance-arts-communitys-statementmemet-ali-alabora-is-not-alone/) In het komt het er op neer dat deze man werd bedreigd door een krant en later door de Minister President zelf met represailles omdat hij vanaf het begin de Gezi beweging heeft gesteund. Als je deze petitie tekent dan kan je je steun verlenen aan het verzet tegen deze onderdrukking. Ga naar de website door op de link te klikken (onder) en klik dan op de groene knop met (Hemen Imzala). Vul dan je e-mail (E-posta adresi) naam (Adım) en achternaam (Soyadım) in. Bij (Konumum) kan je je land kiezen en daarnaast kan je dan je stad kiezen. Bij (Yorumum) kan je een bericht typen waarom je deze petitie ondertekent, bijv omdat je het niet eens bent met de onderdrukking of wat anders maar dit hoeft niet. Alstublieft teken deze petitie en deel dit verhaal met je vrienden en/of kennissen. imzakampanyam/-Mehmet-Ali-ALABORA-ya-sahip-cikiyoruz-imza-kampanyasi?f=c
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:00:12 +0000

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