Noynoy’s abuse of special funds Written by Ninez - TopicsExpress


Noynoy’s abuse of special funds Written by Ninez Cacho-Olivares Wednesday, 23 October 2013 00:00 font size decrease font size increase font size Print 15 comments Noynoy and his executives have been lying through their teeth and for years have been fooling the Filipino people as they continue to misuse, abuse and even very probably steal public funds while mouthing the hypocritical straight path mantra with their sickening self righteous stance. All this is happening with many questioning the Malampaya funds as well as all the other lump sums allocations under the total discretion of Noynoy, known as the presidential pork barrel. And they continue lying to the people. Much earlier, the claim of Noynoy and his Cabinet secretaries, especially the National Treasurer, Rosalia de Leon was that the Malampaya fund is “intact” — all P136 billion of it, with even Noynoy hypocritically claiming that he is so prudent with the funds that he has only spent P15 billion of it. That was too big a lie, as in the Senate budget hearing, it was finally bared that there is no more P130 billion left in the Malampaya funds. It has been used up totally by Noynoy, his Budget secretary and his finance chief. But they still tried to cover up their loss of the Malampaya fund — which is a special fund — by claiming that the fund was co-mingled with the general fund, with De Leon claiming that there is however, cash of P130 billion anytime for the Malampaya funds, explaining, with difficulty, that the balance of the Malampaya funds was co-mingled with the general fund. Where did the hundred and ten billions go then? Budget Chief Butch Abad and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima admitted that there was “no cash” to speak of. But De Leon qualified that the fund was commingled in the general fund and that cash would always be available when needed. Why is a special fund for a definite purpose be placed in a general fund? None of them could explain it with credibility, as not one of the Noynoy boys could explain just where and how the Malampaya fund was lost. Purisima, claiming that the entire thing is merely an accounting method, blamed the old Marcos presidential decree and explained that double accounting is allowed. Window dressing again? Manipulating data again? If that was clearly wrong using the Marcos decree then, why didn’t these yellow sanctimonious sh*ts do away with that decree and instead relied on it to malverse the special fund? Why didn’t the “honest” and “transparent” Noynoy, if he is so allergic to the ways of Marcos and Gloria Arroyo in misusing the funds, junk this manner of “double accounting” and technically, malversation, which a form of corruption in office and a gross misconduct in public trust? While de Leon claimed that there will always be cash for the Malampaya funds, since the yellow explanation is that there is “automatic” appropriation for this fund, it was also bared by the Senate probers that the money to cover the Malampaya funds when needed comes from borrowings. To make it simpler, put a housewife in the place of Noy’s boys with her budget allocations where she forms a “special fund” savings for her child’s education. She is not supposed to touch that money, since that is reserved solely for her child’s education, and thus takes some money from the fund for say, his yearly tuition. Then running short of payment for electric, water, phone bills and more, and some spending spree abroad, she gets the money from the educational fund for her child to pay off all the bills. The fund for her child’s education is completely depleted, so she borrows money, and pays interest to replace the fund whenever there is need for school fees. That fund for her child is gone, and she still has to pay for the loan and interest, in which case, she will have to take another loan to pay off the loan. But that fund for her child is lost. She gets into more financial problems which she eventually can’t fix and that fund is totally gone. So when her husband or child questions her on the savings, she gives a list of where she spent the budget, but as she cannot explain the spending spree she gave herself, she doctors the expenses through her list of expenses. So Noynoy and his yellow executives now claim that the fund is still intact in the sense that money will be made available when needed. The question then is how was this Malampaya and other presidential pork from the King of Pork spent? Ah, these same sanctimonious yellow sh*ts claim that they will be giving Congress such information. This only means that whatever they claim they spent from the fund will be crafted by these same lying yellow sh*ts. And the yellow congressional allies, knowing that corruption has seeped in the hundreds of billions under the discretion of Noynoy want that corrupt practice to continue by amending that decree and giving Noynoy even more powers to malverse these funds that should have gone to the Filipino people instead of the yellows’ greedy and grubby hands. Filipinos have been so betrayed by Noynoy and his frigging yellows in Malacañang.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:09:12 +0000

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