Nripalingachhde Dasyun Kotisho Nihanishyati "His whole body would - TopicsExpress


Nripalingachhde Dasyun Kotisho Nihanishyati "His whole body would emit incomparable splendour. He on his speedy horse shall ride along the earth and shall destroy the robbers disguising as kings." (12:2:20) Analysis 1. Emission of splendour from his body. The following two Hadiths would suffice for the explanation; "Narrated Mohammad, s/o Ammar s/o Yasir that Rabi d/o Muawwiz told her; son, I had you seen him (the Prophet), you would have thought you had seen the bright sun." (Darami) "Narrated Jabir s/o Samra thus: I was gazing at the face of the Prophet (Pbuh) of God on a moonlit night. I kept comparing the face of the Prophet with moon and I found his splendour was greater than of the moon". (Tirmizi, Darmi) Qur’an has called the Prophet (Pbuh) by the name Sirajam Munira (the brilliant sun) (Q. 33:46) 2. Destroyed the robbers in disguise of kings. (All the tribal heads of Makkah were robbers in disguise of kings. They had accumulated fortunes by making a whole community of people untouchable. The worst sufferers of untouchability in India are in a far better condition than the untouchable slaves of that society. The Prophet’s (Pbuh) revolution in two decades brought about a change unparalleled in history so much so that Bilal, who was dragged bare-bodied on the burning sand with a chain around his neck, was elevated to such heights that he was revered and called Sayidna (our master) by the highest of the high castes. Ath Tesham Bhavishyanti Manansi Vishdani Vai; Vasudevangaragati punyagandhan ilasprisham;
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 13:22:17 +0000

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