Ntufam Fidelis Ugbo has facilitated: 58 International Training - TopicsExpress


Ntufam Fidelis Ugbo has facilitated: 58 International Training programmes for Crossriverians, 5 International Postgraduate Scholarships, 28 Federal jobs, etc within the past 4 years. See for yourself; A Man Of Substance Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo The ovation that herald the birth of a child is an indication not only of the joy of the moment but the rapturous prospects that the child portends both for the family into which he is born and the larger community whose advancement the child is expected to foster. Conventionally therefore, every child has at least two missions viz: the personal mission and the communal mission. As the child’s community strives to provide the enabling environment for his advancement, so must he equally conduct himself in a manner that will reap pride for himself, parents and community. Indeed, every individual has two CVs. The first which is authored by the individual himself, encompasses only those traits that the individual may wish to project to the larger world, which are often largely exaggerated. The second CV consists of what the society perceives of him, which may even be injurious and void his self-claim. For some individuals however, when both their personal and public CVs are considered, the aggregate is a glowing and towering image. Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo is one of such rare people who are positively perceived both privately and publicly. Here is a man who was born like any other rural child but has navigated various strands of human endeavour and come out taintless, even when some of such endeavours offered numerous drawbacks to sway him off the wholesome track. Here is a man who has shunned all shortcomings and hiccups that dotted his flight into limelight. Here indeed is a man who always opts to hold his head high even when all other people around him are losing theirs. Not to be misconstrued, there is really nothing extraordinary about Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo. He is not a magician. Nowadays, the convection of many children and even parents is that unless a child is born in a city or is sent to a choice school, such a child is doomed. For Barrister Fidelis Ugbo, the tale is different because like Achebe’s Okonkwo, his rise to fame is “founded on solid personal advancement”. He did not emerge from the clouds. He was not born in any developed community. He was not born even with a wooden spoon in his mouth. Rather, like his folks, he was born in the rural community of Kukare-Basang, a place that at the time was an obscure dot in the world map. Born on the 10th day of November 1955, his eyes opened to the yawning challenges of life which confronted all his peers. Through his innate stoic courage and resilience, he had to rise above the tides by frontally confronting and surmounting such challenges to the admiration of all. Born at an age when western education was yet to gain a strong foothold in his community, and its recruits were still largely jeered at for choosing that part of doom, the vision of young Fidelis transcended and out-shone that of his environment as he sensed the treasure in the golden fleece that western education offered. Guided by such a vision, he promptly enrolled at RCM Primary School, Bayansung for his primary education career which was later completed at Central Primary School, Sankwala with DISTINCTION. The First School Leaving Certificate obtained from this career qualified him for numerous employment opportunities which he wisely rejected because for him, there were better days ahead. Thus, while some of his peers stagnated at this level and filtered into low cadre jobs, he proceeded for his secondary education after the civil war at the prestigious College of Immaculate Conception (CIC) Enugu, the capital of the then Eastern Nigeria, with its legendary turbulence, for which he remained undaunted. This was compounded by the long distance from home which made it almost impossible for primordial succor to be delivered therefrom. In those days, acquiring a secondary school certificate was a feat celebrated even more than today’s doctorate degree. In public perception, many who acquired it were expected to settle down as people that had arrived because what was at the time considered to be gainful employment was handy for such graduands to be absorbed and become bread winners. To the astonishment of many around him, Fidelis Ugbo was yet to come to terms with settling down for menial jobs because he had envisioned better breed for winning in future. So he proceeded for further studies in Accountancy at the then Polytechnic Calabar (now CRUTECH). His academic sojourn was further pursued to the University of Calabar where he was one of the pioneer students in the Department of Economics and acquired a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree. At this glorious juncture therefore, partial satisfaction with academic sojourn struck him and the need for a break surfaced. This he commenced his formal working experience as a lecturer in the then College of Basic Studies, Akamkpa (now College of Education). Shortly after, he left and joined the nation’s apex bank, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) where he served until his creditable voluntary retirement in 2006, after letting the bank to tap from his wealth of experience in almost all its Departments. And in spite of the encumbrances emanating from his sensitive schedule at CBN, he was still able to undertake a law degree programme at the University of Abuja and a Master of Science (M.Sc) degree in Finance from the University of Calabar. He was called to the Nigeria Bar in 2005. His service in CBN was punctuated by a call to serve his State as Commissioner for Finance, Budget and Economic Planning for five years during the military era. It was in this position that his qualities as a diligent workaholic and forthright technocrat were showcased to the admiration and commendation of all and sundry, which has endeared him to people even beyond Cross River State. Among others, it was at this time that he championed the creation of the State Planning Commission as a veritable outfit to intervene in the developmental dwarfism of the State by addressing her progressive needs. On voluntary retirement from service, he was overwhelmed by a desire to lead Cross River State as Governor. After due consultation with concerned friends, this golden intention was declared. With his track record, which cannot be forgotten in a hurry, he was able to warm his way into the hearts of many people. But he is a man of substance who has no difficulty in identifying the right path. So, good, fit and able as he found himself to be, he non-hesitantly stepped down for the incumbent Governor, His Excellency, Senator Liyel Imoke, in whom he had identified positive traits of selfless service which to him was desired by the State in order to move forward. On his path too, being a man of sound judgment, His Excellency may have equally found him to be an invaluable companion in the quest to actualize the advancement of the State. Thus, as soon as Senator Liyel Imoke assumed office as Governor, Barr. Fidelis Ugbo was appointed Secretary to the State Government, a position he held until September, 2011. Following his meritorious service to the government and people of Cross River State, he was found worthy by the President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR who appointed him Secretary, National Planning Commission in September 2011. He also doubles as Secretary to Council, National Economic Council. In all these assignments, what cannot however be swept under the carpet or glossed over, is that Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo brought his high learning and wealth of experience as a technocrat to bear on his job. His permanent disposition as a gentleman has been effectively combined with his ever welcoming smile to give any office he occupies a human face and dispel whatever mystification is supposed to be woven around it. Ntufam Ugbo is indeed an image maker. He is a man that can only be described as broad spectrum experience, especially given his membership of notable national and international professional and social organizations. These include: i. The Chartered Institute of Management of Nigeria ii. The African Business School iii. The Nigerian Bar Association iv. Association of Professional Mediators and Negotiators v. The Nigerian Economic Society In addition, through his commitment to service in his career, he has attended worthwhile career building courses and High Level meetings worldwide, such as: i. Managing and Leading Strategic Change – London, United Kingdom ii. Modern Management Skills – London, United Kingdom iii. Microfinance Institutes Management – The Gambia iv. International Negotiation Skills – Ghana v. Applied Microfinance – Nairobi, Kenya vi. Professional Negotiation and Mediation Course – Nigeria vii. Harvard Kennedy Executive Education Program, Boston, USA viii. Top Executive Leadership Course of the Institute of National Transformation ix. Annual Spring Meeting of the IMF/World Bank in Tokyo, Japan x. Annual Spring Meeting of the IMF/World Bank in Washington DC, USA xi. Finance and Risks Management Meeting, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe xii. Regional Meeting on ECOWAS Research Programme, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire xiii. High Level Seminar for African Countries, Beijing, China xiv. Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on Sustainable Development Goals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia xv. High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan, South Korea xvi. Heads of Planning Institutions Consultative Meeting, NEPAD, South Africa xvii. Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), Cameroon In recognition of his sterling qualities and taintless service to humanity, various organizations have also honoured him with distinguished awards. These include: i. Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (Honoris Causa) from Christian Evangel University, Louisiana, United States. ii. Best Man of the Year 2003 by the American Bibliographical Association iii. Certificate of Excellence in Public Finance Management by Accounting Students Association, the Polytechnic, Calabar iv. International Peace Ambassador v. Utuo-Ikwen 1 of Kakure (Prince of Peace) vi. Ntufam title by the Ndidem of the Quas, HRM Ndidem Thomas Ika Ika Oqua To say that Barrister Fidelis Ugbo has a cap that is overloaded with feathers is to merely state the obvious. He is, to say the least, everybody’s man and everybody’s brother who knows no hate and hurts no fly. He is hospitable, intelligent, accessible, firm, hard working and open minded. He has never been a rabble-rouser. Indeed, the negative image that Shakespeare, the most prolific creative writer the world has ever known, paints of a politician as enunciated in Julius Caesar is that of an ingrate who believes: Lowliness is young ambition’s ladder, Whereto the climber upwards turns his fact; But when he once attains the upmost round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees, By which he did ascend. (Act 11;1). This disposition does not in anyway apply to Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo. He is never drunk by his heights or any position he attains unlike some holders of sensitive positions of authority. He views every step in his life as a rung on his developmental ladder and never looks back with scorn at any steps or individuals he has crossed even at his family level. He appreciates every condition in which he finds himself and everyone that has helped him to advance. What other option does any State have when it is blessed with such a symbol of peace, beacon of light and epitome of progress like Ntufam Barr. Fidelis Ugbo. Here is a man who has paid his dues and will continue to bulldoze the way for Cross River State to move forward without stepping on any toes. All the State owes him is to continue to create the enabling environment for him to serve them and heighten their fame. We firmly agree that the life of Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Utabkei Ugbo is a pointer to the fact that nothing good comes easy and there is reward for hard work. As wisely declared by an Egyptian playwright, Tewfik Al-Hakim in his popular play, Fate of a Cockroach, “The attainment of desires is not by hoping; Things of this world are gained by striving”. EMPOWERING CROSS RIVERIANS THROUGH CAPACITY BUILDING Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo believes that one of the ways to develop a man is through capacity building. Thus, during his service in the National Planning Commission, Barr. Ugbo was able to empower over 70 Cross Riverians with the skills, attitudes, and values necessary to contribute in shaping a sustainable present and future Cross River State. This was achieved through the facilitation of scholarships for post graduate studies and short courses abroad at no cost to the beneficiaries as shown below: 2012 SHORT COURSES S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 1. Prof. Ndem Ayara Sharing Knowledge of Economic Development for Nigeria, South Korea 6th – 26th May, 2012 3 Weeks 2. Barr. Ademade Emergency Response Management 14th – 30th June, 2012 2 weeks 3. Mr. Julius Agrinya Short Course on E-Governance, South Korea July 5 - 25, 2012 3 Weeks 4. Mr. Emmanuel Ukobere Agricultural Mechanization & Processing Technologies for Nigerian Officials, Beijing, China 10th - 24th July, 2012. 2 Weeks S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 5. Mr. Sam Jedy Agba Agricultural Mechanization & Processing Technologies for Nigerian Officials, Beijing, China 10th - 24th July, 2012. 2 Weeks 6. Hon. Chris Njah Bilateral Trade Promotion for Nigeria” Fuzhou, China. 18th July – 1st Aug., 2012 2 Weeks 7. Mr. Freedom Ejom Bilateral Trade Promotion for Nigeria” Fuzhou, China. 18th July – 1st Aug., 2012 2 Weeks 8. Mr. Eddy Achi Bilateral Trade Promotion for Nigeria” Fuzhou, China. 18th July – 1st Aug., 2012 2 Weeks 9. Hon. James Okon Anam Bilateral Trade Promotion for Nigeria” Fuzhou, China. 18th July – 1st Aug., 2012 2 Weeks 10 Okpamu James Alicha Seminar on Nigeria SME Development, Beijing, China 10th – 24th October, 2012 2 Weeks 11 Mr. Yibala Inyang Seminar on Nigeria SME Development, Beijing, China 10th – 24th October, 2012 2 Weeks 12 Mr. Abraham James Osok Seminar on Nigeria SME Development, Beijing, China 10th – 24th October, 2012 2 Weeks 13 Mr. Anthony Omini Ubi Seminar on Nigeria SME Development, Beijing, China 10th – 24th October, 2012 2 Weeks 14 Rev. Mrs. C. N. Elemi Seminar on Nigeria SME Development, Beijing, China 10th – 24th October, 2012 2 Weeks 15 Mr. Ibiang Ofem Ubi Agricultural Leadership Development in Nigeria 3 weeks 16 Hon. Eko Atu Capacity Building on Fisheries Processing and Distribution (Nigeria), South Korea 21st Oct – 10th Nov., 2012 3 weeks 17 Hon. Fidel Egoro Capacity Building on Fisheries Processing and Distribution (Nigeria), South Korea 21st Oct – 10th Nov., 2012 3 weeks 18 Mrs. Blessing Egbara Capacity Building on Fisheries Processing and Distribution (Nigeria), South Korea 21st Oct – 10th Nov., 2012 3 weeks 19. Dr. Ushie Seminar on Education July, 2012 2 weeks 20. Mr. Etta Japan 2 weeks 2013 SHORT COURSES S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 1. Anyahwo Sylvanus Competence building in Elementary Education for Educational Experts, South Korea 4th – 24th April, 2013 3 weeks 2. Mr. Collins Ogar Seminar on Poverty Reduction Strategy for Nigerian officials, Beijing, China 16th – 30th May, 2013 2 weeks 3. Dr. (Mrs.) Itam Abang Seminar on Poverty Reduction Strategy for Nigerian officials, Beijing, China 16th – 30th May, 2013 2 weeks 4. Mrs. Margaret Edet Okon Asim Seminar on Poverty Reduction Strategy for Nigerian officials, Beijing, China 16th – 30th May, 2013 2 weeks 5. Hon. Sunday Achunekang Seminar on Poverty Reduction Strategy for Nigerian officials, Beijing, China 16th – 30th May, 2013 2 weeks 6. Arch. Eja-Dons Esege Bilateral Seminar on Rural Development Strategy for the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Beijing, China 13th – 27th June, 2013 2 weeks 7. Mr. David Ekanem Ekpenyong Bilateral Seminar on Rural Development Strategy for the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Beijing, China 13th – 27th June, 2013 2 weeks 8. Mrs. Margaret Nenna Odey Bilateral Seminar on Rural Development Strategy for the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Beijing, China 13th – 27th June, 2013 2 weeks 9. Elder Otareh Okoma Otareh Bilateral Seminar on Municipal Solid Waste Management for Officials from Nigeria, Beijing, China 10th – 24th July, 2013 2 weeks 10. Mr. Okon Bassey Effiom Bilateral Seminar on Municipal Solid Waste Management for Officials from Nigeria, Beijing, China 10th – 24th July, 2013 2 weeks S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 11. Mr. Johnson Mathew Hilili Bilateral Seminar on Municipal Solid Waste Management for Officials from Nigeria, Beijing, China 10th – 24th July, 2013 2 weeks 12. Mr. Elegance Edim Bilateral Seminar on Municipal Solid Waste Management for Officials from Nigeria, Beijing, China 10th – 24th July, 2013 2 weeks 13. Mr. Ushaka Ushaka Bilateral Seminar on Municipal Solid Waste Management for Officials from Nigeria, Beijing, China 10th – 24th July, 2013 2 weeks 14. Mr. Samuel Ikor Egbe Seminar on Reproductive Health Management for Nigerian officials, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China 30th August – 13th Sept, 2013 2 weeks 15. Mrs. Priscillia Egbudu Seminar on Reproductive Health Management for Nigerian officials, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China 30th August – 13th Sept, 2013 2 weeks 16 Dr. Ogum Obeten Seminar on Reproductive Health Management for Nigerian officials, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China 30th August – 13th Sept, 2013 2 weeks 17 Nkese Okon Seminar on Reproductive Health Management for Nigerian officials, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China 30th August – 13th Sept, 2013 2 weeks 18 Chief Sunny Ebebe Ayang Saemaeul (New Village) Movement and Creation of Self-reliant Local Communities in Gangwon Province, South Korea 6th – 26th October, 2013 3 weeks 19. Barr. John Obi Bisong Commonwealth Secretariat Regional Training Programme on Legislative Drafting for African Member States, Ghana 5th August – 25th October, 2013 10 weeks 20. Mrs. Margaret Edet Okon Asim Commonwealth Secretariat Regional Training Programme on Legislative Drafting for African Member States, Ghana 5th August – 25th October, 2013 10 weeks S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 21. Mr. Henry Nkang Asor E-Government for Nigeria, South Korea 4th – 24th August, 2013 3 weeks 22. Mr. Iso Bassey E-Government for Nigeria, South Korea 4th – 24th August, 2013 3 weeks 23. Miss Alice Nka Odey E-Government for Nigeria, South Korea 4th – 24th August, 2013 3 weeks 24. Mr. Ekpo Francis Odachi E-Government for Nigeria, South Korea 4th – 24th August, 2013 3 weeks 25. Mr. Neji Edom Tawo E-Government for Nigeria, South Korea 4th – 24th August, 2013 3 weeks 26. Mr. Morphy Raphael Adoga E-Government for Nigeria, South Korea 4th – 24th August, 2013 3 weeks 27. Mr. Bong Duke Economic Development Strategy for Nigeria, South Korea 6th – 26th October, 2013 3 weeks 28. Mr. Udam Slater Idagu Economic Development Strategy for Nigeria, South Korea 6th – 26th October, 2013 3 weeks 29. Dr. Emmanuel Egan Abung Fisheries Technology and Policy Training, South Korea Sept – Oct, 2013 3 weeks 30. Mrs. Agnes Inyikem Ugbe Business Research Methods and Data Analysis, India 02/09/2013 – 25/10/2013 7 weeks 31 Peter Egba James Agricultural Community Leadership Development (Nigeria), South Korea 27/10/13 – 16/11/2013 3 weeks 2014 SHORT COURSES S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 1. Mr. Akabisong Adie Seminar on Measurement Management Administration, Beijing, China March 12 – 26, 2014 2 weeks 2. Mr. Daniel Ani Ikara Seminar on Measurement Management Administration, Beijing, China March 12 – 26, 2014 2 weeks 3. Mr. Felix Obasse Seminar on Measurement Management Administration, Beijing, China March 12 – 26, 2014 2 weeks S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 4. Mr. Columbanus Mbey Ntui Seminar on Measurement Management Administration, Beijing, China March 12 – 26, 2014 2 weeks 5. Mr. Ekpo Ofem Seminar on Crime Prevention for Nigeria, Hangzhou, China April 11 – 25, 2014 2 weeks 6. Miss Ruth Agim Seminar on Crime Prevention for Nigeria, Hangzhou, China April 11 – 25, 2014 2 weeks 7. Mr. Nnana Arikpo Seminar on Crime Prevention for Nigeria, Hangzhou, China April 11 – 25, 2014 2 weeks 8. Mr. Inah Nkanu Ekpe Seminar on Crime Prevention for Nigeria, Hangzhou, China April 11 – 25, 2014 2 weeks SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMES S/N NAME COURSE TITLE /LOCATION PERIOD DURATION 1. Miss Patience Odey Master Degree in International Studies (Women & Development), South Korea Feb 7 , 2012 – June 15, 2013 1 year & 4 months 2. Miss Marvis Bujor Master Degree in International Studies, South Korea 2013 – 2014 1 year 3. Mr. Edu Bassey Eka Master Degree in International Relations & Diplomacy, China Sept. 2013 – July 2014 1 year 4. Mrs. Josephine Emogor Asu Post-Graduate Diploma in Public Health Management, India Aug. 2013 – July 2014 1 year 5. Okon Ekpenyong Effiong International Master of Public Administration, Beijing, China March 10, 2014 to Feb. 10, 2015 1 year In terms of value of these capacity building programmes, these training programmes are at no cost to the beneficiaries. FACILITATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT FOR CROSS RIVERIANS Ntufam [Barr.] Fidelis Ugbo has facilitated the employment of the following Cross Riverians in Federal Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Parastatals within the last three years. 1. Aniah Justin Unimke 2. Sabastine Akungwale 3. Roland Okon 4. Julius H. Likuna 5. Margaret T. Udida 6. Augustine Bassey Igboke 7. Oyube David Attoe 8. Alice Nka Odey 9. Ann Bankpang Odok 10. Henry Omori Ibiang 11. Daniel Ani Ikara 12. Fidelis Beshiware Ushuasung 13. Michael Columba Egbudu 14. Ikaba Greg Ngaji 15. Rawlings Osa Awudu 16. Fidelis Ukafuabe Alilo 17. Anne Aloho Odukpo 18. Anthonia Abonye Okangbe 19. Offiong Offiong Okon 20. Agnes Inyikem Ugbe 21. Elizabeth Kekong 22. Peter Dibang 23. Fidelis Akpagu 24. Henry Asor 25. Ushike Jumbo 26. Celestine Ashikabe 27. Monday Aranshi 28. Peter Uneviare
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:42:20 +0000

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