Nu degeaba este SIR Paul McCartney! The open letter: “The - TopicsExpress


Nu degeaba este SIR Paul McCartney! The open letter: “The Government’s plans to introduce Fracking will change the UK for ever. David Cameron and the energy minister Michael Fallon have both told us to get ready for Fracking. Already more than 60 per cent of the country will be licensed for fracking, and planning rules are being changed to allow for central government to override community objections. “The Government says that Fracking is safe even though it is banned in several European countries and US states. There is substantial evidence showing that fracking causes water stress and risks water contamination and soil contamination, earth tremors – and is a threat to human, wildlife, bird, fish and livestock health. “This technology will not bring down fuel bills and will not provide a jobs boom, but it has the potential to leave a damaging environmental legacy for future generations. “We urge the government to suspend Fracking immediately while a genuinely independent, balanced and thorough public debate is held into the potential dangers this industry holds for the UK.” Sir Paul McCartney is now spearheading the campaign iwith 150 other musicians scientists and environmentalists urging the government to reconsider speeding up the rush to unleash fracking technology on the UK. Other names joining the cause include: Yoko Ono, Helena Bonham-Carter, Alan Carr, Noel Fielding, Lily Cole, George Monbiot, Will Self, Jude Law, Russell Brand, Sir Anthony Gormley, Thom Yorke, Chrissie Hynde, Bianca Jagger, Jude Law, Michael Mansfield QC, Tracey Emin The petition is also backed by a number of green businesses, executives and NGOs, such as Lush Cosmetics, Ecotricity founder Dale Vince, Solarcentury founder Jeremy Leggett, Trillion Fund, Triodos Bank, the RSPB, Friends of the Earth and Fuel Poverty Action. The Fracking process involves pumping pressurised liquid into the ground causing it to fracture and as a result allow access to oil and gas reserves. In the USA where the process has been going on for some time, it has proven in places extremely damaging to the environment, rendering tap water un-drinkable, and in some cases flammable. This process is strongly opposed by environmentalists. They are highlighting an new campaign to raise awareness of the issues involved and effects on the nations health and countryside called “We Need To Talk About Fracking”. A series of #Talkfracking debates will be held across five cites in the UK on Monday June 9 in Glasgow, Tuesday, June 10 in Nottingham, Wednesday, June 11 in Manchester, Thursday, June 12 in Swansea and Monday, June 16 in London. More: neonnettle/news/632-mass-celebrity-endorsement-of-anti-fracking-movement
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 07:24:30 +0000

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