#Nuclear Adaptations??!!! MORE #Fukushima RADS TODAY THAN - TopicsExpress


#Nuclear Adaptations??!!! MORE #Fukushima RADS TODAY THAN YESTERDAY, GLOBALLY..... LESS THAN TOMORROW, GLOBALLY.... #Fukushima’s Worst-Case Scenarios..... Much of what you’ve heard about the nuclear disaster is wrong. Know them by their posts.... RUSSIAN Nuke Guy: ...Vladimir Asmolov, first deputy director general of Rosenergoatom..... “It was clear for a long time that Tepco was not adequately coping with the situation,” Asmolov said. “It looks like Tepco management were the last to realize this,” he said. “Japan has the technologies to do this, but they lacked a system to deal with this kind of situation.” US Lab Nukers: ...Nobody can say for sure how events would have unfolded if the worst had happened at Fukushima. Even the most sophisticated computer models are fallible.... US Nuker Mouth Piece: “… if the fuel pools at reactor 4 collapse due to an earthquake – people should get out of Japan, and residents of the West Coast of America and Canada should shut all of their windows and stay inside for a while……” NRC Nuke Guy: ....I mean, a worst case would be that you eject the core and somebody puts it in a bag and carries it across the ocean and puts that in ... California. As his staffers chuckled, [Nuke Guy] concluded: So I think we should produce a source term [i.e., an estimate of radioactive particles assumed to be emitted] that is truly what I would call a worst case but a possible scenario. ############## #Fukushima Intl #Nuclear #Powers Update: The #Russians are Coming! The #French are, too!! Uncle Sam?? askaboutfukushimanow/2013/10/01/hello-world-fukushima-update-the-russians-are-coming-the-french-are-too-uncle-sam/ TRIPLE NUCLEAR MELTDOWNS SINCE MARCH 11, 2011..... AND THE MAJORITY OF ANTI-NUKERS in USA ARE FOLLOWING PROPONENTS OF NUCLEAR POWER FOR INFO.... dOH! And making Gurooos out of them...... Doh! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUCY OCCUPY: Oh where, oh where have the SEVEN #Fukushima old reactor #fuel pits gone, oh where oh where could they be…… SO, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, AND SHUN THE SONDERKOMMANDO...... Start here, and keep moving.... #Fukushima #ELE Alerts In Progress since 3.11.11 !!! They cant turn a profit on a Dead Planet ... OR CAN THEY? Remember... #Fukushima Equals 6,000 #Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow. Short URL: veteranstoday/?p=268591 #TEPCO Banks agree to give ¥80 billion in refinancing loans to TEPCO ajw.asahi/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201309280044 NGT #311....NUCLEAR GRAVY TRAINS..... lucyoccupy/2013/09/18/lucy-occupy-said-fukushima-nuker-alert-theres-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-looks-like-that-ngt-311/ #Fukushima International #Nuclear Update: Share with your smart friends; shun the sonderkommando... #Fukushima Intl #Nuclear #Powers Update: The #Russians are Coming! The #French are, too!! Uncle Sam?? askaboutfukushimanow/2013/10/01/hello-world-fukushima-update-the-russians-are-coming-the-french-are-too-uncle-sam/ WHAT ARE EFFORTS TO CONTAIN FUKUSHIMA?? NONE. #Fukushima Intl #Nuclear #Powers Update: The #Russians are Coming! The #French are, too!! Uncle Sam?? wp.me/p22TzT-1bw via @LucyOccupy WHAT ARE EFFORTS TO CONTAIN FUKUSHIMA?? NONE. ASK ABOUT FUKUSHIMA NOW askaboutfukushimanow/ ALL NUCLEAR REACTORS LEAK ALL THE TIME allreactorsleakallthetime/ LUCY OCCUPY SAYS lucyoccupy/ DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH; DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. See also: veteranstoday/author/bobnichols/ veteranstoday/2013/09/11/fukushima-equals-6000-hiroshima-bombs-today-more-tomorrow/ veteranstoday/2013/04/19/sterilize-the-planet/ veteranstoday/2012/10/11/what-are-efforts-to-contain-fukushima-2/ veteranstoday/2012/08/09/obamas-gold-94-6-pure-bomb-grade-plutonium-2/ 12/10/11/what-are-efforts-to-contain-fukushima-2/ veteranstoday/2012/08/09/obamas-gold-94-6-pure-bomb-grade-plutonium-2/ WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW. SEE AND SHARE. CREATE AND JOIN MORE FB GROUPS..... and more BEYOND FB.... think locally. act globally. occupy virtually. we know why. friends dont let friends stay ignorant. xoxooxox
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:25:29 +0000

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