Nuclear|Chicago ---- Tax Day Finally-Cometh ---- Thank Penny - TopicsExpress


Nuclear|Chicago ---- Tax Day Finally-Cometh ---- Thank Penny Pritzker DESTROYER of Evergreen Country Club|Christ The King to receive Truman Award Within the hour I visited United State Post Office located directly-across-the-street from Christian Science Reading Rooms former 125 South Clark Street corner location ---- upon being informed United States Post Office location was closed and being unable to purchase-stamp at 7-Eleven now occupying Christian Science Reading Rooms former 125 South Clark Street corner location ---- I made brief stop at Musa Tadros|Edelstein-owned Club Quarters location [formerly-operated via Notre Dame-alum| Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella-alum Peter Vitale] for stamp and after-no stamp available ---- I headed-directly for Main Post Office Building. Upon arrival at Main Post Office Building ---- there was an unusual United States Post Office Food Truck parked-eastbound on Harrison Street resembling Food Truck previously-driven via Mr. Steve Markham before becoming front-man for Mr. Luciano Muzzattis Bethesda-based Markhams ---- markhamsbar/#!about/c42f ---- located down Wisconsin Avenue from Lockheed Martin-NETGOV [where former Anacostia Waterfront Corporation Chairman Stephen Goldsmith served as Chair of Minotaur Capital Management|Equity Investments|ET AL-funded Lockheed Martin-NETGOV pre-October 26 2001 $200,000,000,000+ Liquidity Event for Lockheed Martin-NETGOV via Department of Defense before Equity Residentials aggressive-expansion in Washington DC|Arlington County-Alexandria|Maryland markets] and located down Wisconsin from Bethesda-based ASB Capital Management whom provided 2008 Liquidity Event[s] along with Dallas-based Geary Capital Partners|CarVAL-Cargill to longtime Urban Investment Research Investors Judd Malkin; Miles Berger; Buzz Ruttenberg; Equibase Capital David Husman; Shefsky Froelich & Devine|Goldsmith; Arthur Velasquez; ET AL. Upon approaching United States Post Office Food Truck ---- I inquired re: Postage Stamp and provided $0.49 to purchase postage-stamp along with below-addressed envelope while receiving no-stamp. I then inquired re: Postage Stamp being affixed and was informed Purple Heart stamp ---- one-of-my-favorite stamps ---- was being affixed to outgoing correspondence to Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Center It was an unusual and untrustworthy exercise on behalf of United States Postal Service re: FoodTruck and Postage stamp ---- nonetheless I provided letter and went-on-my may as I will expand-upon why Purple Heart is one-of-my-favorite stamps in a separate Report as its hard-to-believe its been one [1] year since being taken into Custody via Teamsters-owned Cook County Sheriffs Department and having a younger brother cajole family-members to stall-on-posting-bail [after being taken into-custody related to Calamos Investments Executed Operating Agreement] due, in part, to younger brother being certifiable drunk|incredibly-jealous sibling since Summer 1995 after observing his barenaked mother in back of CPD Wagon at Christ Hospital after CPD took barenaked mother to Jackson Park as Michael R.I.P. Bennett NEVER held down job since beating his girlfriend in Oak Lawn|5th District during 2000 as certifiable drunk|incredibly-jealous siblings conduct|deficits was reinforced Thanksgiving 2010 day|morning I was beat-to-pulp via drunk-younger-brother ---- Michael R.I.P. Bennett [friend to Yale alum Jeremiah Joyce whose younger-brother is former Lockheed Martin-NETGOV Lobbyist|Consultant and 1993 Business Roundtable|NAFTA Task Force Member along with William Daley|rahm emanuel|Mayer Browns Mickey Kantor] ---- and transported-to-Christ Hospital via Chicago Police Department while not being permitted via CPD to charge brother with battery whom had warrants via Wichita and felony via Wisconsin [via categorically-fraudulant letter|blackmail presented to State of Wisconsin Court System re: paraplegic volunteer work almost identical to siblings October 2008 conduct re: CPD Officer Darling|Thomas Carey|James Sheahan|ET AL as Brother Rice-alum Mike Rhodes was allegedly being discharged via Christ Hospital to return to his office that was previously-raided via Federal Bureau of Investigations [Krahl Construction January 2010 FBI Raid] ---- the day-before November 26 2011 Murder of Chicago Police Officer Michael Ronald Flisk a retired Department of Defense-employee|former Robbins Police Office-Cook County 6th District-Markham Courthouse and Partner to 11th Ward native|Chicago Police Officer Harold Feeney whom sold his vacated|empty-home [for several months] at 9808 South Damen to Imelda Rose Tansey Bennett [funded January 2011 ---- after January 2011 Arizona|Shooting] ---- after Feeneys Chicago Police Partner ---- Flisk ---- was Murdered while father|attorney [via Melrose Park] to now-deceased Brian Boo Carey [Evergreen Park|Brother Rice] AND now-deceased Attorney|Former Heil & Heil employee|Leo-alum|Knights-of-Columbus: Fr. Perezs Jack Hickey [Tansey|Figliulo|Griffin Card|Gossip Partner] sat-in on-the-closing for 9808 South Damen as 9857 S Hoyne|Childhood home was sold-to Chicago Police Officer|Leo alum. Of equal importance ---- its hard to believe its been almost 7-years since receiving frantic-phone-call at Office via our Mother related to younger-brother being picked-up by 115 Bourborn Street-owned Merionette Park Police Department for outstanding Wisconsin warrant ---- as per our Mothers wishes ---- I moved heaven-and-earth to facilitate variety of letters of character ---- not the Infamous Joyce Paraplegic Letter ---- for sibling whom had never worked or held a job since caddying at Beverly Country Club. March 2010 ---- National Review ---- A Chicago Real-Estate Scandal That Deserves National Attention nationalreview/the-feed/3475/chicago-real-estate-scandal-deserves-national-attention TRB BENNETT Real Estate Partners Thomas Bennett Limited Nuclear|Chicago Thomas R. Bennett|346-82-4104|DBA Bennett Real Estate Partners|ET AL 9808 South Damen Avenue Chicago Illinois 60643 | 9625 South Millard Avenue Evergreen Park Illinois 60805 April 15 2014 Mr. John Koskinen IRS Commissioner Department of the Treasury | Internal RevenueService Center Kansas City, Missouri 64999-0099 Re: Request for Extension and Special Request related to Exceptional Circumstances Form Dear Department of the Treasury; Internal Revenue Service and Commissioner Koshinen ---- Pursuant to Request for Extension and Special Request related to Exceptional Circumstances Form I presented during April 2013 prepared while under substantial surveillance at Kankakee County Detention Center Facility in days leading-up to April 15 2013 IRS Deadline|Boston Marathon Bombing ---- I require an separate Extension due exclusively-to punitively-corrupt inside-courtroom and outside-courtroom environs related to following Litigation ---- [A] Thomas R. Bennett|ET AL V. Sterling Bay Companies; Obama for America; Martin Nesbitt; Penny Pritzker; Jordan Kaplan; Chicago Housing Auhority|HUD; Thomas Owens|LEO; Carolan|Active Roofing; Reynolds|Staubach; ET AL:dockets.justia/docket/illinois/ilndce/1:2012cv07412/274241 [B] Thomas R. Bennett V. Kiari Morgan; Ed Majka; Cameron Rich; Evergreen Park; Thomas Murrihy Sr; Cook County Fifth District Judge Jack Hynes; ET AL: | 247 South State Fraud|IRS-National Park Service-Department of Interior|ET AL involving Douglas Elliman-Beitler|Ricker-Murphy-Levin|ET AL. [C] September 11 2002: Lockheed Martin-NETGOV Litigation|Murrihy V. Bennett ---- prepared|filed via Bush|Cheney|Daley Florida 2000|Hanging Chad Attorney Burt Odelson and Odelson’s 3318 West 95th Street Evergreen Park affiliate McGann & Matesevic while Odelson maintained separate-conflict via Carole Bellows the presiding-judge and affiliate of American Bar Association President Bellows Law Group ----https://w3.courtlink.lexisnexis/cookcounty/FindDock.asp?NCase=&SearchType=2&Database=4&case_no=&=&=&=&PLtype=1&sname=murrihy&CDate= In fact ---- to effectively-demonstrate punitively-corrupt inside-courtroom and outside-courtroom environs related to above-Litigation beyond Bracewell & Giuliani egregious-conflict established via Bracewell & Giuliani’s Daniel Connolly’s relationship to former Lockheed Martin-NETGOV employee Lydia Murray ---- member of Giuliani administration [and Daley|Goldsmith Administrations] as British-owned Jones Lang LaSalle Board of Directors Martin Nesbitt|Roger Staubach|ET AL are Principals to 626 West Jackson|Old St Pats Ongoing Arbitrage in categorical violation of Tortious Interference|Anti-Kickback Statutes|ET AL interfering with 8-figure Liquidity-Event to fund, in part, September 11 2002 Lockheed Martin-NETGOV Litigation while preserving Executed Operating Agreement with Calamos Investments [among other Executed Operating Agreements] ----insiders.morningstar/trading/board-of-directors.action?t=0P0000032W&culture=en-US&ops=p&cur=USD Thank you for your urgention attention to my request. Sincerely, Thomas R. Bennett |346-82-4104 DBA Bennett Real Estate Partners|ET AL
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 04:52:00 +0000

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