Nuclear Hotseat on Youtube #165: Dr. Ian Fairlie on Soaring - TopicsExpress


Nuclear Hotseat on Youtube #165: Dr. Ian Fairlie on Soaring Child Leukemia Rates Near Nuke Reactors INTERVIEW: Dr. Ian Fairlie discusses his recently released report compiling more than 60 studies on childhood leukemia rates for those living in proximity to nuclear power reactors. His shocking findings show a 37% increase in leukemia cases in children 5 and under. Learn how the study came about, what it shows — and how we can use it in our fight to shut down all nuclear reactors. Powerful information! Here’s a LINK to the article: LISTEN HERE: nuclearhotseat/2088/ The Activist Voice of the Anti-Nuclear Movement Produced and Hosted by Libbe HaLevy NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: “Fukushima Supporter Chef” serves Fukushima-grown produce to guests at the Grand Hyatt Fukuoka – and brags about it! (Anyone want to cash in their Hyatt stock?) PLUS: *Japanese government accused of “crimes against humanity” in its refusal to evacuate children from Fukushima; *French nuclear safety group calls Fukushima “comparable to the most contaminated areas around the Chernobyl accident;” *DUCK! Safety violations found at Waterford, Connecticut’s Millstone NPP while Turkey Point experiences reactor trip, steam dump and Miami gets gamma radiation spikes. Coincidence? (LOL!) *South Korea and Australia desperate to find storage for nuclear waste; *Nuke industry targets bank boards of directors to skew support for their future funding – long term planning by nuclear-funded think tanks. Any financial wizards got a strategy to stop ‘em? LINKS: * has a petition to scrap the Japan-india Nuclear Agreement, which was discussed with interviewee Kumar Sundaram on last week’s Nuclear Hotseat #164. Sign it here. *Residents Organized for a Safe Environment and San Onofre Safety have prepared an extensive report on what can go wrong with dry cask storage – and it’s a lot! A glimpse at the next generation of the battle against nuclear reactors. Access the report here. *Banking article – How the Nuclear Industry is targetting bank boards to set up future funding consortia: Nuclear Hotseat is the weekly international news magazine keeping you up to date on all things anti-nuclear. Produced and Hosted by Three Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy, each podcast contains the week’s international nuclear news, at least one expert interview, ways to protect physical health of yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of radiation exposure, and activist opportunities. NEW! Radiation Awareness and Protection Teleseminar Series: nuclearhotseat/radiation DONATE: Help keep Nuclear Hotseat running as the weekly Activist Update on All Things Nuclear. Your donations will directly support each week’s podcast. nuclearhotseat/donate/ Thanks to UCYTV for airing my podcast/videos
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:35:50 +0000

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