Nuclear power, our radioactive friend??? Personally Im all for - TopicsExpress


Nuclear power, our radioactive friend??? Personally Im all for green power but it seems most of the worlds Governments currently have a hardon for Nuclear Power and its not the worst alternative to Fossil fuels. Of course theres your Chernobyls and most recently Japans Fukushima accident but in truth Nuclear powers got a pretty good safety record. There have been several recent studies on occupational deaths in mines, oil rigs and power plants which included fatalities indirectly related to power generation – such as those caused by air pollution or radiation. These have all shown that energy generated from fossil fuels, in particular coal, comes with the highest death toll by a huge margin – and that the safest way to power the planet is with nuclear energy. I may refute that slightly, I feel theres a lot of great green technology which is currently being underused or only just coming into being and as it takes a round ten years to build a plant of any kind I feel this is the way we should go. Germany for instance has recently taken the green step but has been warned that this will not produce enough power to meet its grids needs and THATS the main criticism green power often meets, that it wont be able to fully power our cities however there is some speculation as to whether this is correct and you can find data supporting both sides of the argument. Personally I feel the future will need a combination of clean AND nuclear power, at first at least, until tech like the Z machine and Solar Towers can be fully realised. Whats most vital is the turn from fossil fuels though. Scratch the whole global warming thang for a moment and just consider this. Fine particles of ash from coal burning plants kill around an estimated 3 million people a year, on average coal burning plants release 100 times more radiation into the atmosphere than nuclear power plants AND globally coal powered plants release 12,000 tonnes of the radioactive element Thorium and 5000 tonnes of Uranium into the air every year! Now thats not even mentioning CO2, with one fossil fuel power station releasing an average of 3.7 million tonnes of the stuff while the waste gas from a nuclear plant is minimal to say the least! Thats not to mention the efficiency argument. For one kg of fuel a coal plant generates enough energy to light a 60 watt bulb for four days, while a nuclear plant using the same amount of fuel would be able to power the bulb for 685 years. I think you might have to change the bulb a few times mind. . .
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:13:09 +0000

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