Nuers youth international warns Dinka youth in Bor of carrying out - TopicsExpress


Nuers youth international warns Dinka youth in Bor of carrying out deadly UNIMISS attack this action is illegal we condemn it in strongest terms. The government of south Sudan is no longer called it the government as matter of facts it is a terriost government lead by Kiirs massacrer against the thousands of innocent Nuer civilians that carried out on December15,2013 last year. This is a clear redness line drawn by the government and falsely beings placed an the youths that attacked the UNIMISS compound in Bor. Who doesnt know Kiirs government? If these war was planted as its, why does Bentiu, Upper Nile State and Junglei state still divided over whom they they supports. The world body has already seen unproductive rally held occasionally against the UN or UNIMISS by ego government of south Sudan while The UNMISS is protected the lives of innocent and already thousand of Nuer innocent dead other civilians still had no place to lives than stranded at UNMISS compound in Juba and other major city like Bor. Kiirs tribal leader that south Sudan can be better off without him, as the president of nation turn it to magicians, prophets like Joshua TV the Nigeria prophet no officially the presidential advisor to Kiirs, what a dead end? We demanded Kiirs to step down and faced the ICC for the massacred he committed against the Nuer period as a president he uses banned cluster bomb again his own people. If there werent any foreigner troops evolved Kiirs wouldnt even wear his hat in Juba today. And that is the facts, this is our country we dont wants to divided ourselves based on tribal line, but continued with Kiirs in power our unity cannot or will never barried fruits accordingly. If these were the case the Nuer youths will respond Bor massacred as soon as possible and act against the aggressive of Dinka youth by all mean necessary, Nuer are not foreigners or third class citizens in south Sudan theyre Nilotic as well African. I support the uprising SPLA and SPLM in Opposition base an direction and the principles their movement had high lighted. Our country is not for one man rules trying to takes away our right we had fought for and continue targeted Nuer innocent civilians on daily bases. South Sudanese international artist Kuarmuon/ Tekjiek Yap Tekjiek and can reached by email [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:12:34 +0000

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