Number One Interview (episode #3) 📼 tapes n tapes 📼 #1: - TopicsExpress


Number One Interview (episode #3) 📼 tapes n tapes 📼 #1: Lets see... youre Tapes n Tapes? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. #1: You must really like tape? Tapes n Tapes: It can be really tantalizing. It’s right there. It’s so easy. #1: I’m going to dream about things I can do with tape tonight. Tapes n Tapes: Thats sounds nice. #1: Have you ever made any big mistakes with tape? Tapes n Tapes: Recently, we made the poor decision of using duct tape to hang a poster on a wall in Justin Vernons basement. #1: Why was that a problem? Tapes n Tapes: Well, we didnt ask permission first. #1: What kind of poster was it? Tapes n Tapes: It was a black light poster. #1: Yeah, thats the sort of poster you really should ask before installing. Tapes n Tapes: Well, we learned that one the hard way. #1: Why? What happened? Tapes n Tapes: Surprisingly, duct tape doesn’t hold very well to paint? #1: It fell down? Tapes n Tapes: It fell down & spilled beer on these custom painted guitar pedals. The tape left all these sticky marks all over his wall. So it’s all grimy now. #1: What did he say to you guys? Tapes n Tapes: He said: “Really, you thought this was a good idea?” #1: Its like, hes not mad, just disappointed you know? Tapes n Tapes: Exactly & thats the worst, you know? #1: I sure do. So then what? Tapes n Tapes: He told us that from now on, we should call first before coming over. #1: Was he serious? Tapes n Tapes: We were like Is a text ok? #1: What did he say to that? Tapes n Tapes: He said No. I need to hear your voices. #1: What did you say? Tapes n Tapes: We asked if we could face chat with him on the world wide web? #1: Did he say that was ok? Tapes n Tapes: No. He insisted that we call the landline. #1: Really? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. He repeated it over & over Landline! Landline! Landline! #1: What happened next? Tapes n Tapes: We started chanting Landline! along with him. #1: Then what? Tapes n Tapes: Then...It was silent. #1: So did you leave? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. What could we do. We apologized. Cleaned up the mess. #1: Did the guitar pedal still work? Tapes n Tapes: It sounded a lot more distorted. So we kinda did him a favor. #1: Do you think he sees it that way? Tapes n Tapes: Who knows? #1: Have you talked to him since then? Tapes n Tapes: Kinda? #1: What do you mean by that exactly? Tapes n Tapes: Well, we dont have his landline number? #1: How ironic? Tapes n Tapes: We have his cell number & his email. #1: Thats awkward. Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. Weve thought of putting a basket of his favorite jams & cheeses & bringing it over to him, but weve just been shy. #1: Yeah, its too bad he doesnt live here. We could just go toilet paper his house. Tapes n Tapes: I know. Its like a full day commitment to leave the state, ya know? #1: I feel that. Lets talk about your album The Loon, a reference to Minnesota? Tapes n Tapes: Actually, its kind of was a double meaning, we didnt think about the state when we went into it. We totally didnt think the state of Minnesota had loons. Now everybodys like, the state bird of Minnesota blah, blah, blah... #1: I know. That bird is getting some real good hype as of late. Tapes n Tapes: Well, originally The Loon was a reference to this deli that you can see right now looking out that window. They make a chicken gyro that is bees knees. We were always going there getting food & we thought, you know, we should call the record The Loon. #1: Oh yeah I see it over there, that place looks kinda sketch, is it? Tapes n Tapes: No way dude. They have a really great selection of canned meats. #1: No kidding? So have you ever made a better a record than The Loon? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. Actually our EP was a bit better maybe? #1: I agree. That EP is a fraction of a percentage better. Where was that recorded? Tapes n Tapes: At our cabin, in the woods, in the middle of winter, in three hours. #1: Were you inspired by Bon Iver? Tapes n Tapes: Absolutely, Bon Iver was our main influence in 2004. We had the very same basic small recording set-up: a Shure SM57 & an old Silvertone guitar. We had Jeremys brother drop off his old drums. #1: Did you experiment with futuristic sounds at all? Tapes n Tapes: We made our own instruments from stuff we found lying around. #1: That sounds fun. Tapes n Tapes: It was a lot fun to do it on our own & get a little crazy. #1: When I listen to the Tapes n Tapes EP, it sounds loud & reckless. Tapes n Tapes: We got all the recording equipment a day beforehand so... #1: Were you ecstatic with how it turned out? Tapes n Tapes: You can tell there isnt any trial-and-error going on. #1: Youre right, I totally can. Tapes n Tapes: It can be a little bit rough around the edges at times. #1: Was it an accurate representation of where we were at the time with the band? Tapes n Tapes: Yes & no really? #1: So do you have drawers of tapes around this apartment? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. #1: Whats in that drawer? Tapes n Tapes: Tapes. #1: Whats in that drawer? Tapes n Tapes: a spoon. #1: Really? Just one? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. #1: You must really love music? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah, we love music. #1: So, tell me. Whats your favorite song? Tapes n Tapes: We sort of like them all. #1: Whats your favorite Tapes n Tapes song? Tapes n Tapes: Omaha. #1: Is that on Outside or Walk it Off? Tapes n Tapes: Actually thats from The Loon. #1: Did you write that song for the city of Omaha? Tapes n Tapes: Not a lot of people know this, but its a song about Canada. #1: Wow! Really? Canada! I had no idea. Is that true? Tapes n Tapes: No. #1: Well, thats our time. Thank you for being guests on Number One Interview. Tapes n Tapes: How about a Number One Interview Bonus Round? #1: Did someone put you up to this? Tapes n Tapes: We are Number One Interview fans dude. #1: Thanks for saying so. Lets see... this month you really dont have any gigs till the end of the month, so hopefully you can work on new material, because you recorded these records so long ago, so you must be kind of pining to find some new songs here right? Tapes n Tapes: I think this month we might try writing some new stuff. #1: Will you have time with other stuff going on? Tapes n Tapes: Well have time. #1: As your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle. Tapes n Tapes: Thanks for representing us all these years. #1: Youre welcome. Is it true that you guys are not hatin on anybody right now? Tapes n Tapes: That is ia true statement. #1: Do you think all drum solos should be at least three minutes in length? Tapes n Tapes: Yeah. #1: What size shirt are you guys most comfortable sleeping in? Tapes n Tapes: Medium. #1: Are you the kind of people who always buy size medium shirts? Tapes n Tapes: We dont buy shirts. #1: Nice one!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:40:34 +0000

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