Numbers ch 31-32 The Lord tells Moses to avenge the children of - TopicsExpress


Numbers ch 31-32 The Lord tells Moses to avenge the children of Israel. They were to go to war with the Midianites for seducing some of the men into worshiping Baal-peor and causing the Lord to strike them with a plague. A thousand men from each tribe were chosen to go to war, and Phinehas lead them to battle. The Levites carried the holy objects and blew the trumpets. The Israelites kill all of the men, and killed all five Midianite kings, but spared the women and children. They burned the city and took all the spoil, animals, and people captive. After the battle Moses, Eleazar, and the leaders went to meet them. Moses became angry when he found out what they had done. The boys and women (non virgins) were killed, but the young girls who were virgins were spared. Purification: Eleazar tell the men that all the gold, silver, brass, iron, tin, and lead had to go through the fire to be purified. Anything that would burn had to be purified with water. Everybody that had killed, or touched a dead body were ceremonial unclean and had to remain outside the camp for 7 days. They had to purify themselves and their captive on the 3rd and 7th day, and on the 7th day, they could wash their clothes and return to camp. Dividing the Plunder: The plunder was divided in half. One portion went to the solider and the other portion went to the people. He Lord’s portion from the solider went to Eleazar, and the Lord’s portion form the people went to the Levites. When the captains counted their men and saw none were missing, they presented all the gold items from their portion to the Lord. Moses accepted the items and took them to the Tabernacle as a memorial; it was a reminder that Israel belonged to God. The tribe of Reuben and Gad saw that the land of Jazer and Gilead was a good place to raise cattle, so they asked Moses if that could be their inheritance. Mosses assumed the men were trying to abandon their people and scolded them. He even reminded them how none of their ancestor 20 years old and older (with a few exception) died in the wilderness for being rebellious. When the men explained that they were going to continue to fight with the people, but wanted to build pens for the animals and homes for their wives and children, Moses agreed. He warned them if they broke their promise, they will be sinning against God and it would come back on them. The children of Machir and Jair (both tribe of Manasseh) went to Gilead and drove out the Amorites and settle there. A man name Nobah captured Kenath and the surrounding villages and renames it after himself (Nobah). Lessons being taught: 1. Don’t compromise your faith. Some of the Israelite men had allowed themselves to be seduced by the women of Moab which lead them astray. Because of their sin, God struck the Israelites with a plaque. After the Lord told them to destroy the enemy, they spared the women and children which would have eventually lead to the same things. Moses confronted them about it and made them go back and finish the job. Only the girls that were virgins were spared. Likewise, if we compromise our faith by allowing ungodly influence into our life, we will be lead astray. 2. We have to repent daily. In battle, the Israelite had been exposed to dead bodies and all kinds of ungodly things which made them unclean. They had to purify themselves, the spoil, and the captives before returning to camp. When are also exposed to a lot of things and have to come clean (repent) before approaching the throne of God. If we dont repent, sin will not only hinder our walk with God, but contaminate or affect those around us. 3. God is Jehovah Nissi. When the Israelite went to war with them Midianites, God was with them (Phinehas lead them into battle and the Levites carried the holy object and blew the trumpets). After the battle was won, the captain counted the soldiers and not one was missing; none were killed in battle. The Lord was also with the tribe of Manasseh when they drove the Amorites out of their land. When we stay in God’s will, not only will he protect us, but he will give us victory over our enemy. 4. If the “theif’ is found, he has to restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house (Proverb 6:31). When the enemy caused the Israelites to sin, they lost 24,000 people to the plague. In the battle, the Israelites killed the Midianites (men, women, and boys). seized the land, gathered all the spoils, and took their virgin girls captive. The plunder included: 675,000 sheep/goats, 61,000 donkeys, 32,000 virgins, 420 pounds of gold etc). 5. Never accuse someone of something until you have heard the whole story. When the tribe of Reuben and Gad asked for the land of Jazer and Gilead, Moses assumed they were trying to abandon the people and scolded them. When they explain that the land was good for raising cattle, he agreed. We also must not jump to conclusion until we hear the whole story.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 20:41:53 +0000

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