Numerology/Astrology for 12/6/14 We are in the energy of the - TopicsExpress


Numerology/Astrology for 12/6/14 We are in the energy of the number 7. This number is dialed into the “Collective Consciousness” of the planet. You are awakening to a bigger reality than just yourself. But that can we emotionally challenging to handle at times. Today, think of yourself as energetically picking up a lot of things that are swirling all around you. The stuff that sticks is where you are still healing or working on releasing something. Awakening requires you to be able to recognize what belongs to you and what does not belong to you. When you feel “stuck” with a feeling check around you and notice if someone else is also experiencing the same thing. If so then you need to learn to let go of what does not belong to you. If something does partially belong to you then it is also time to create a strategy to work through that trigger and shift how you are holding a particular thing. This is a day of “Inner Wisdom” which means that you have to look inside and own your choices and actions. When you understand why you do something, that is the beginning of the healing process. Mercury squares Chiron early today, and communications may be a little compromised or strained as a result of perceiving things emotionally or through your insecurities. Decisions may also be hard to come by, as you may tend to doubt yourself or the effectiveness of your ability to solve problems. It can be hard to read the intention behind anthers words today. The Moon is in curious Gemini all day. This Full Moon is about communication, attitude, and the willingness to explore your adventurous. Something has been building inside and now is the time to let that energy out. Over the next two weeks, you will get to explore your energy in new ways. Right now you might feel as if you cant sit still with your feelings. There is an overwhelming need to express them. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, ask yourself the question, “What am I illuminating right now in my life?” There is a sense of emotions bursting forth into your consciousness today. Its time to let things out of your body. Of course, you might want to exercise some care while doing so. Just remember that what is coming out is not the most rational or objective right now. With the Sun moving towards alignment with Mercury, this can be an especially vocal and idea-filled time. ~Suzanne Wagner~ Quote Thoughts and feelings do not have power over you until you give them power by forgetting your true nature. You are the ocean; they are the ever-changing waves. You are the unfathomable sky; they are the passing clouds. You are the uncontained container; they are welcome guests in your infinite embrace. Thoughts and feelings are not you, friend, but you are vast enough to hold them, to allow them to come and go, arise and fall, emerge, stay for a while, and subside into deep sleep. You remain, awake. ~Jeff Foster~ Blog Use the music below to step into your energetic alignment. There are so many amazing tools out there to help you find inner balance that then allows an outer manifestation of the shift in your inner reality. What is inside, eventually manifests outside. Your attentions and avoidances inwardly will be reflected back to you outwardly. What you focus on and what your energy is interested in creates the properties of attraction and magnetism. You are creating this reality. Once you own the power of your mind/body/soul connection you can begin to alter the reality in which you live. If your reality is not changing then you have not shifted something inwardly or in the connections between those three elements. Often we focus in one area and forget that it is the combination of the three that allows you to powerfully shift your external quickly. When you work only on one area you will get shifts but those shifts will be slower and have less impact. Though this is still a step in the learning process. Today, say the following affirmation; “I recognize that I have created this reality for my growth and awakening. I am now choosing to shift my mind, body, and soul connection for the manifestation of my highest self in this life.” Repeat it 10 times in the morning and 10 times at night and you will begin to see a shift as your intention begins to realign and create energetic pathways to connect your three bodies more powerfully. ~Suzanne Wagner~ Video This is an interesting video that is a monotone of a note with nature and bird sounds thrown in. It is lovely to meditate with. Enjoy. 528 Hz Love Frequency Healing DNA Repair Meditation https://youtube/watch?v=kkQ9T4mXX5k
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 01:35:46 +0000

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