Nurses at Ejura Hospital Part II Maybe my friend #Dierbieri - TopicsExpress


Nurses at Ejura Hospital Part II Maybe my friend #Dierbieri Maxamous would have to revisit the hospital he left to fully understand and appreciate the thrust of my narration. So I indicated earlier, I dont intent to inadvertently and cynically insults nurses in general but inasmuch as we praise the hard working and dedicated ones, we need to expose and declare the wack(apologies to comrade Abdul Wadudu jr) that is stinking and dragging the name of the profession to the mud. Practically, SOME nurses at the Ejura hospital pales none when it comes to incompetence and irresponsibility. With these kind of attitudes, most people, for their invidous motives would still want the potty mouthed(like yours truly) to hush up. With their kindergarten understanding of the acts and its concomitant effects blocks their ability to unbiased analysis. Soo many nefarious acts and underhand dealings. A popular one is the compulsive hoarding of the NHIS covered Quinine injection by the nurses which they use to slay the helpless patients. There have been welter of information that nurses at Ejura hospital s ales Quinine injection at their preferred prices as against the legally bounded GHC 1 insurance price. Now that is a crime. To bolster my assertion, I refer the doubting Thomases to a senior nurse(matron) Abass who on one occasion intervened and recouped monies that was unscrupulously collected by a certain glutton and twerp nurse. Nurses at Ejura are not Caring. They are direct opposite of an effective nurses. They are too judgmental and does not empathizes with patients. Nurses need to be able to show patients that they truly care about their situations. Nurses need to be able to control their emotions to be able to successfully carry out their duties, nurses must be able to remain calm and think clearly under some circumstances. They lacks communication skills- solid communication skills are basic foundation for any career, but for nurses its one of the most aspect of their job. Its always mind boggling and inhumane to see and hear SOME of these(sometimes) unkempt nurses heaping unwarranted and demoralized insults on people old enough to be called their grandparents. Now that is unatterable disrespect! A truly steller nurse advocates for their patients and anticipate their needs. Effective communication skills in nursing create a high level of patient satisfaction while preventing medical mishap. They are not responsible. They just do not know how to perform all their responsibilities with the utmost accuracy and details. As a matter of fact, whiles Some nurses at the hospital are wordsmith and possess enviable academic laurels, there are evenly others who cannot flow with flair the official language. Dangling grammar which Im sure any the queen of England would emptied her virtual cop gun into the heads of these people if they speak to her hearing. They are not flexible with their time. They come to work and close at anytime they wishes. The zeal by people like senior Diebieri to defend the nurses at Ejura verbally would not wash until they make an overhaul at the hospital and face the objective reality in large measure. Of course this is not a relentless pursuit of rapacious egoistic interest as some people would like to describe it but a relentless effort to salvage a hospital that once saved my life and many others. However, St luke showed me professionalism at it peak. The writer is a freelance journalist 0546733902
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:40:34 +0000

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