Nutrition myths: (from the new Bulletproof Diet book) 1. If - TopicsExpress


Nutrition myths: (from the new Bulletproof Diet book) 1. If youre not losing weight, youre not trying hard enough 2. Youre not as hungry as you think you are 3. A low fat diet is healthy 4. Eating fat will make you fat 5. Cutting calories is the best way to lose weight 6. Everything natural is good for you (subject of a later post) 7. You have to workout a lot to lose weight 8. Coffee is bad for you 9. Salt is hazardous 10. Moderation is the key to success when dieting I want to focus on the coffee. Most of my patients still look at me like Im crazy when I tell them I drink Bulletproof Coffee (and have for quite some time). Bulletproof Coffee is their brand of coffee (free of the mold that is present in most coffee and therefore less likely to cause a crash), with 2 tablespoons of GRASS FED butter (which I buy at Wegmans), and 1 to 2 tablespoons of medium chain triglyceride oil (MCT oil). This is a breakfast (yes.....this alone is breakfast for most.....although I will sometimes have some eggs with it.......if I skip the coffee I have eggs, avocado and some berries). The purpose of the coffee? First of all, it is delicious. I really enjoy it. has certain healthy oils, kahweol and cafestol, which are unique to coffee and are potent anti-inflammatory chemicals and neuroprotective (protects the brain....yes coffee prevents dementia). They are more likely to end up in you if you use a gold fenestrated filter rather than a paper filter which can trap these oils. The butter and oil are blended into the coffee with a hand held blender or a real blender. The medium chain triglyceride feeds certain gut bacteria which increase production of a chemical called FIAF (fasting induced adipose factor). When this level is up your body burns fat. When you feed your gut bacteria sugar and starch, the level of FIAF drops, and you stop burning fat. We now know that the gut bacteria of people who are thin are different than the gut bacteria of people who are overweight. Thin people have more Bacteroides and the polyphenols in coffee are a fuel for this type of bacteria (which increases FIAF production and therefore fat burning). We also know that coffee causes lipolysis.....the release of fat from fat cells and therefore SMALLER fat cells. The butter is a great source of butyric acid, which helps to heal the gut (remember leaky gut syndrome) and helps to reduce inflammation in the brain. Plus....remember...eating fat doesnt make you fat. And.....remember that your cell membranes and brain are made of FAT. So is the coating of all of your nerves (which is called myelin). How is our brain supposed to function optimally if youre depriving it of calories and more specifically FAT calories. Bulletproof Coffee also helps you to enter a state of ketosis. The MCT oil cant be stored as has to be burned as a source of fuel and my workouts on the weekends are a lot easier after a serving. But the MCT oil also suppresses appetite for hours and helps you convert to burning your own fat as a source of fuel. Remember that if you increase fat, you have to keep your carbs low. Conventional thinking is wrong! I treat people and test inflammation and cholesterol everyday........the best results are in those patients who break with conventional wisdom and realize that low fat, calorie restricted diets are a huge mistake.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:24:12 +0000

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