Nutrition pre work out Nutrition and Physical Activity In - TopicsExpress


Nutrition pre work out Nutrition and Physical Activity In sport and physical activity in general, nutrition plays a key role; before you leave for a workout session, for example, in the gym, it is necessary that the body be put in terms of: To better withstand the most intense training stimulus can Recover quickly from a set and the other Protract the performance for the time required Keep your blood sugar steady for proper brain functioning Never reach levels of energy and hydro-saline depletion would require an excessively long muscle recovery between sessions Power before dellallenamentoLalimentazione before workout in the gym then has the function to create all the conditions necessary to achieve the benefit sought; Moreover, contrary to what you might think, it is also implicated (albeit NOT directly) in the potential of post-workout recovery. In other words, the power is an essential component that weighs heavily on the effectiveness of the training stimulus. To facilitate the understanding of what and how to eat before training, will split the nutritional power in two categories: nutrients to ensure through the daily nutrition nutrients to ensure through nutrition before your workout at the gym. NB. Introduce some food in the other meals of the day rather than before training does NOT mean that they are not fundamental to the subject that you exercise, far from it! Unfortunately, the power of the athlete must also take into account the times of digestion and metabolism, hypersensitivity (if any), subjectivity, the time of the workout etc.., Therefore, it is not always possible to load the meal significantly prior to the workout. Nutrients to ensure through the daily nutrition This group of molecules includes especially the nutrients commonly referred to as functional, ie, those that perform functions: structural, bioregulation, of precursione etc.. Taking into consideration the macronutrients, you can define that: the essential amino acids derived from proteins of high biological value (meat, fish, eggs, association of legumes and cereals etc..) And essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega6 content in oils (extra virgin olive olive, soybean, flax, fish, etc..) must be guaranteed by the budget ESPECIALLY daily nutritional; they represent a fundamental substrate in numerous metabolic functions as well as muscle recovery from training (also called super compensation). Therefore, amino acids and fats must be made in the right quantities and distributed thoroughly feeding daily, in order to constantly ensure their availability metabolic. The same applies to vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, fiber and water. The water supply, albeit in need of a suitable compensation during training, should not be neglected throughout the day. The body hydration is essential to maintaining the overall efficiency of the physiological, in particular of the kidney; the sportsman is a person who engages in activities and efforts that often transcend the common tendency of the human body; therefore, the reactions (and needs) metabolism are different than a sedentary person. Structural and functional changes of the respiratory, circulatory, skeletal, etc.. I am the living proof; however, this adaptation takes place in response to a set of stimuli that affect the composition of the blood. The azotemia rears, buffer systems are hyper-activated, the production of ketone bodies increases, catecholamines alter the hormonal overall .; etc. but to allow the gas to nutrients, the hormonal mediators and all other dissolved substances in the blood to reach the various districts, the blood plasma MUST maintain a certain volume, then a certain carrying capacity. Therefore, a hydrated body is first of all an organism that responds correctly to stimuli and which recovers to the best of their ability; but thats not all! The hydration of the blood also affects post-exercise recovery; Whereas the metabolic function of the kidneys is the purification of the blood by filtration, and that in case of dehydration is activated a process of saving the plasma due to which they diminish their work, it is obvious that the speed of removal of toxic catabolites ( responsible for systemic fatigue post exercise) is almost directly proportional to the volume of blood (blood volume). Generally, to ensure the intake of vitamins and antioxidants is enough to pay attention to QUALITY of the foods that you consume throughout the day, as (assuming a balanced diet), their contribution increases proportionally with increasing calories . On the contrary, for minerals (especially potassium [K] and magnesium [Mg]) is essential to accurately assess the level of overall sweating; if the sportsman sweats in a decisive way, it is essential to evaluate together with a professional the ability to integrate the daily intake of minerals through the use of simple counter products. Nutrients to ensure through the power before training The power supply before training in gym must be fundamentally energy because, as explained above, the useful molecules for the maintenance of homeostasis and physical recovery post-exercise are distributed more or less evenly throughout the day (except for the need of another kind as weight loss); the same can not be said for the athletes of the bottom and middle distance running, which would require a post-exercise meal different (much more energy) than that recommended after training with weights (containing a higher protein ration). Assuming that when you work with people and not with the numbers, all the recommendations subordinate to the compliance (or tolerability) individual, in principle, it is possible to define that: the meal before training in gym must possess characteristics: High digestibility High Energy Density (never less than 250-300kcal) Prevalence glucose, possibly deriving from food (not supplements such as maltodextrins or vitargo) characterized by an average or better low glycemic index In addition, it should be consumed at a distance in time from training that allows both digestion that (eventually) the partial metabolism (fructose); we go into more detail. The prevalence carbohydrate foods are especially honey, cereals and derivatives (wheat, barley, rye, spelled and millet, then pasta, bread, cakes, porridge etc..), Potatoes, chestnuts, fruit (almost all, except the avocado or coconut) and some vegetables. The choice between one or the other food depends on: the presence of other ingredients (oil seasoning, tuna, meats, low-fat cheeses etc..), Portions food and fiber contained. The presence of fat and protein content in other foods significantly lowers the glycemic index of the meal due to the slowing digestion; therefore, a mixed meal can not be consumed less than 2: 30-3: 00h before the session; the same applies to the food portions, ie, the greater the amount of the food, the longer the digestion time. On the dietary fiber, it can be used (for example by inserting vegetables in a sandwich) to slow the absorption of sugars and prolong the time of absorption in the event that you do not have food in the medium or low glycemic index; it is nevertheless important to remember that: overdoing it with the intake of dietary fiber could be enlarging excessively the waiting time before the session. In short, the power supply before training in gym must first ensure support for energy: Save the glycogen reserve Maintaining good blood sugar levels until the beginning of the session. It follows that the choice of food especially foods should prefer a good energy density but medium or low glycemic index, so it does not cause an insulin spike your blood sugar quickly, which would reduce the excessive and harmful repercussions on the state of mental concentration at the beginning of training. E possible to consume some fruits (apple, pear, orange and so on.), Which in addition to being easily digestible, have a glycemic index low enough, perhaps associating them to a small portion of basmati rice, or whole wheat pasta or a sandwich with grilled peppers or other high-glycemic fruit (ripe banana) or some biscuit corn / rice / wheat with honey / jam etc. NOT sweetened. The association of a low calorie fruit, but containing dietary fiber, to another food characterized by a higher glycemic index, allows to balance the absorption of carbohydrates and maintain blood glucose levels relatively constant over time (up to 2: about 00h ); the same goes for some vegetables (carrots, potatoes and peppers peeled) if accompanied in the simple white bread. Alternatively, for people less susceptible, you can eat up to 30 before training; of course, with a similar timing will be essential to make use of simple carbohydrates (honey, banana, sweet jam, etc..) or semicomplessi (WELL DONE thin bread) with a high glycemic index, in order to drastically reduce the time without worrying about the absorption peak insulin will be automatically moderated by rising catecholamines during exercise.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:37:24 +0000

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