Nutritional medicine is safer and more effective than - TopicsExpress


Nutritional medicine is safer and more effective than pharmaceutical medicine. Just ask an emergency-room or intensive-care-ward doctor right after he has injected magnesium chloride or sodium bicarbonate to save someone’s life.... Magnesium salts, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), iodine, selenium and vitamin C are concentrated nutritional medicinals that have been used in the direst of medical circumstances...The core of the Natural Allopathic protocol redefines the way emergency room and intensive care should be practiced on Ebola patients with proven fast-acting, safe, concentrated and mostly injectable nutritional medicines. If the Ebola infection truly gets out of hand, it is comforting for parents to know that they can legally administer these same medicinals if infected people are treated at home. All of the Natural Allopathic Medicines can be also taken orally or used transdermally (topically) to almost the same effect if treatment is started early enough. People who either choose home care or have no other option need to treat everyone in the home at the same time whether demonstrating symptoms or not. Waiting for the contagion to spread inside a family, or with health care professionals in hospitals and clinics, is unwise. The main idea is to get out in front of the virus. Resolving Cytokine Storms with Selenium The highly pathogenic Zaire strain of the Ebola virus may be dependent on the trace mineral selenium (Se), due to the presence in the Ebola genome of several open reading frames (ORFs) containing clusters of up to 17 inframe UGA codons, which potentially encode the rare amino acid selenocysteine (SeC). This raises the possibility that Se deficiency in host populations may actually foster viral replication, possibly triggering outbreaks linked and perhaps even facilitating the emergence of more virulent viral strains. [2] Selenium is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that can control the cytokine storms provoked from out of control infections. The clinical investigations in sepsis studies indicate that higher doses of selenium are well tolerated as continuous infusions of selenium as sodium selenite (4,000 μg selenium as sodium selenite pentahydrate on the first day, 1,000 μg selenium/day on the nine following days) and had no reported toxicity issues. In view of this new information, Biosyn introduced the 1,000 µg dose vials for such high selenium clinical usage. The primary symptoms of a cytokine storms are high fever, swelling and redness, extreme fatigue and nausea. In Ebola a combination of factors lead to death so we chose a combination approach that deals with all the factors. In Ebola the immune reaction may be fatal with cytokine storms. To stop the cytokine storms and acute respiratory distress inject selenium or force the world of medicine to produce Dr. Emanuel Revici’s liposomal selenium, which can be administered orally in extraordinarily high dosages, much higher than is available through injections. Dr. Revici’s greatest discovery was that if we want to deliver a nutrient to a sick cell – attach it to a fat. Unsaturated fats are the ultimate and perfect vehicle to deliver nutrients to stressed cells. This discovery enabled Dr. Revici to package therapeutic minerals, at will, to delivery only to sick cells. This gave him a huge advantage as a therapy developer – especially with selenium. Revici used a special molecular form of selenium (bivalent-negative selenium) incorporated in a molecule of fatty acid. In this form, he can administer up to 1 gram of selenium per day, which corresponds to 1 million micrograms per day, reportedly with no toxic side effects. In contrast, too much selenite (hexavalent-positive selenium) has toxic effects on animals, so human intake of commercial selenite is limited to a dosage of only 100 to 150 micrograms by mouth. Dr. Revici often administered his nontoxic form of selenium by injection, usually considered to be four times more powerful than the form given orally. The last 25 years the average daily selenium intake has fallen from 60µg/day to 35µg/day. The UK government has established a Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) level of selenium at 75µg/day. selenium deficiency may allow invading viruses to mutate and cause longer-lasting, more severe illness.[11] Animal research has shown selenium and vitamin E have synergistic effects, enhancing the body’s response to bacterial[12] and parasitic infections.[13]...A few grams of magnesium chloride [magnesium oil] every few hours will clear nearly most acute illnesses, which can be beaten in a few hours. I have seen a lot of flu cases healed in 24-48 hours with 3 grams of magnesium chloride taken every 6-8 hours.” My recommendation would be to follow Dr. Vergini’s suggestion and augmenting that with Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. The second edition of Transsdermal Magnesium Therapy is also available in hardcopy from viral infection has been demonstrated to be resistant to the proper dosing of vitamin C as classically demonstrated by Klenner....Ebola viral infection and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers appear to be diseases that fall into this category. Because of the seemingly exceptional ability of these viruses to rapidly deplete vitamin C stores, even larger doses of vitamin C would likely be required in order to effectively reverse and eventually cure infections caused by these viruses.[15] Cathcart (1981), who introduced the concept of bowel tolerance to vitamin C hypothesized that Ebola and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers may well require 500,000 mg of vitamin C daily to reach bowel tolerance! Whether this estimate is accurate, it seems clear as evidenced by the scurvy-like clinical manifestations of these infections that vitamin C dosing must be vigorous and given in extremely high doses. If the disease seems to be winning, then even more vitamin C should be given until symptoms begin to lessen. Obviously, these are viral diseases that would absolutely require high doses of vitamin C intravenously as the initial therapy. The oral administration should begin simultaneously, but the intravenous route should not be abandoned until the clinical response is complete.[16] ..all the side effects of vaccinations…are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C.[17]...Dr Robert Cathcart, who has more experience treating deadly infections with high dose vitamin C than any other doctor, says “the Ebola virus kills by way of free radicals which can be neutralized by massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously. ..Dr. Robert Cathcart M.D. states “My experience with giving massive doses of ascorbic acid orally to over 30,000 patients and with giving intravenous sodium ascorbate to over 2,000 patients would indicate that with Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fever diseases that should be used in doses beginning with at least 180 grams per 24 hours. If the fever is not controlled or the symptoms are not reduced, the dosage and the rate of administration should be increased ...inflammation from pH imbalance interferes with oxygen delivery to nearby tissues, which in turn weakens nearby cells again increasing vulnerability. Control of the regional pH imbalance helps to contain pathology – by protecting nearby cells from chemical burns from pH imbalance. Slowing the breathing down with a Breathslim breathing device will also work strongly to reinforce the actions of sodium bicarbonate—it will increase carbon dioxide as well as oxygen levels—while providing calming comfort. Vitamin D – Perfect Helpmate to Vitamin C Vitamin D reduces the risk of dying from a viral infection. Researchers from Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, New York ...said that vitamin D stimulates “innate immunity” to viruses and bacteria. Very few have any idea that Vitamin D can be taken in high dosages like Vitamin C can. Never Forget Iodine “Extremely high doses of iodine can have serious side effects, but only a small fraction of such extreme doses are necessary to kill influenza viruses,” writes Dr. David Derry of Canada. In 1945, a breakthrough occurred when J. D. Stone and Sir McFarland Burnet (who later went on to win a Nobel Prize for his Clonal Selection Theory) exposed mice to lethal effects of influenza viral mists. Pathology was prevented by putting iodine solution on mice snouts just prior to placing them in chambers containing influenza viruses. Dr. Derry also reminds us that a long time ago students in classrooms were protected from influenza by iodine aerosol therapy. Aerosol iodine also is effective against freshly sprayed influenza virus. Iodine is a must when dealing with deadly viruses and would go a long way in decreasing the death rate from Ebola. Dr. Gabriel Cousens wrote, “Historically, as early as 1911, people normally took between 300,000-900,000 micrograms of iodine daily without incident. Other researchers have used between 3,000 and 6,000 micrograms/day to prevent goiter.” Deficiencies in iodine have a great effect on the immune system...Dr. Ben Whalley, at the department of pharmacy at the University of Reading, said tests in animals had shown the marijuana compounds effective at preventing seizures and convulsions...nerve cells were exposed to a toxin that is typically released during strokes. Cannabidiol reduces the extent of damage reported the National Academy of Sciences. More effective than vitamins C or E, strong antioxidants such as cannabidiol (CBD) will neutralize free radicals without the accompanying high with regular marijuana used for recreational and other medical purposes. All forms of marijuana have anti-oxidative, neuroprotective, immunomodulation, analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions. Infrared Therapy Infrared therapy increases core body temperature. By raising the body temperature by one to three degrees, an infrared session mimics a fever, which triggers an immune system response and enables the body to fight bacteria and viruses... Infrared heat (light induced heat) relieves pain by expanding blood vessels and increasing blood circulation. Better circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen depleted cells, reduces pain and speeds up the healing process. Having BioMats installed in every hospital bed would insure that fewer die from Ebola nor from the avian or any flu. Bathing patients in light and heating their internal environments boosts their metabolism and improve their immune systems. Patients in bed can use low levels of infrared around the clock making them comfortable and dealing with the chills that often come with high fevers. If one can afford to purchase a BioMat for home use know it is extraordinarily helpful for the patient to be comforted by light and heat. ..According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion. According to Dr. Patricia Kongshavn, former professor, department of medicine at McGill University, “Glutathione is required in many of the intricate steps needed to carry out an immune response. It is needed for the lymphocytes to multiply in order to develop a strong immune response, and for killer lymphocytes to be able to kill undesirable cells such as cancer cells or virally infected cells. Glutathione values decline with age and higher values in older people are seen to correlate with better health...recommend that physicians and other healthcare professionals as well as every household to have a good nebulizer and use a high-grade colloidal silver as well as a sodium bicarbonate glutathione product alternating between the two...
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:18:27 +0000

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