O Common Name Botanical Name Other Names Oak Bark Oak Bark - TopicsExpress


O Common Name Botanical Name Other Names Oak Bark Oak Bark Quercus robur White Oak Deciduous tree : Oak bark is a powerful astringent, and has been used by herbalists for thousands of years. Decoctions of oak bark are used for throat infections, acute diarrhea, and bleeding, and have been studies for use in kidney infections and stones.... Oats Oats Avena sativa L. Groats. Oatmeal. Oatstraw : Oats have always had a reputation as a wholesome, healthy food. The grain is a rich source of complex sugars used by the body. Green oatstraw teas, oatstraw glycerin tincture, and oatmeal poultices and baths... Olive Oil Olive Oil Olea europea Olive Leaf Tree : Virgin olive oil is used for healthy cooking, and makes a great base for herbal infused oils. You can infuse olive oil with rosemary, garlic, thyme, and many other herbs ... Onion (Garlic) Onion (Garlic) : The differences between garlic and onions is in the bulbs and leaves. Garlic produces heads that are divided into sections or cloves while onions produce a single multi-layer globe.... Oolong Tea Oolong Tea Camellia sinensis Wu Long, Wu Yi Tea Shrub : It is true that Oolong/Wu Long tea not only boosts metabolism and suppresses sugar cravings, but it may also burn fat.... Orange Orange Citrus sinensis, Citrus spp. Mandarin Orange, Tangerine tree : Oranges are a healthy source of vitamin C and other nutrients, as well as one of the most versatile aromatherapy oils. Orange peel is used as a zest in cooking and as a tea.... Orange, Bitter Orange, Bitter Citrus vulgaris,Bigaradia : Bitter orange fruit is earth-shaped, a little rougher than the common, sweet orange, and the flowers are more strongly scented. ... Oregano Oregano Origanum vulgare Wild Marjoram herb : Oregano has a very ancient reputation and has been used in both the kitchen and the sickroom since the time of the ancients. Many would be surprised to learn that oregano is ranked first among the culinary herbs in antioxidant power. Many of the ... Oregon Grape root Oregon Grape root Mahonia aquifolium Mountain Grape, holly leaved barberry Evergreen shrub : Herbalists use the immune-stimulating and bacteria fighting properties of Oregon grape root in the treatment of bacterial diarrhea, intestinal parasites, and eye infections. Oregon grape shared many of the properties of goldenseal, but is not botanically ... Orris Root Orris Root Iris germanica Purple Flag, Bearded Iris perennial herb : Dried orris root is used in perfumes and potpourris and sachets as a fixative that enhances other aromas, and in natural products as a base in toothpastes, and cosmetics. ... Oswego Tea Oswego Tea Mondara didyma Scarlet Mondarda, Oswego Tea, Bergamot : This species of mint has an aromatic order similar to the citrus Orange Bergamot, but the two are not related.... Oxeye Daisy Oxeye Daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum marguerite, moon daisy Perennial Wildflower : The balsamic flowers were once much more used as a country simple than today, when the flowers, stalks and leaves were used to make an infusion to relieve chronic coughs...
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 07:34:09 +0000

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