O.K. You all know how attached I was to Bonnie right ? ... well - TopicsExpress


O.K. You all know how attached I was to Bonnie right ? ... well some where along the road Porchah moved right into that empty place Bonnie left in my heart... Porchah took months to look me in the face or even wag her tail But when she finally began to show life in her eyes, joy in her heart and trust through her actions I began to feel my heart slipping back into a deep love and bond that was way to familiar, I love this dog more than I can put into words, She has over come all of the rotten things that were done to her and she is ready to be loved whole heartedly ,she deserves a family of her own who will not only cherish her love as I do, but give her All of their heart like I cant .... The hardest thing about having her looking into my eyes with love trust and joy is watching her wait for a family of her own... I spend one on one time with these dogs and lead them to believe my love is forever in an effort to teach them true love and how to trust and enjoy life again and then I send them into forever homes... my love IS forever but I get left behind ... I received a PM message tonight from someone who simply wrote I dont know how you do it, I had to give one of my fosters up today and Ive been upset all day.. I dont think Im cut out for this...... Fostering isnt any easier on me than it is anyone else but when i get messages like this I get scared... Im afraid the dogs are on the verge of losing another precious foster who is so desperately needed so I tell them the only thing I know ... When an animal comes into your care look at every single detail about that animal inside and out the moment you lay eyes on it.... Do the same on the day he or she leaves you and know that YOU did that... You took in a broken little soul and got it ready to successfully go onto a healthy pain free life filled with love without fear... Fosters are the Bridge between an animal suffering to survive and Thriving without suffering . without Fosters animals die..Its not pleasant to hear me say this I know , But its the truth .. Fosters are the bravest most unselfish people I have ever met in my life.. They suffer great pain and broken hearts on a regular basis for the sake of mending and healing the broken animals that come into their brief care .. The wounds a foster endures can only be soothed by the next broken animal in line and so... we begin again .. over and over our hearts will be broken then mended but the hearts WE mend are mended for life.... WE SAVE LIVES ... we ARE fosters . I only ask that, anyone who reads this post tonight who isnt already fostering please consider the power you hold and the difference you can make. PLEASE consider becoming a foster for an animal in need.. any rescue would be glad to have you on their team .
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:55:22 +0000

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