O.K. yall...Im in the hotel in Oklahoma City...final blood work - TopicsExpress


O.K. yall...Im in the hotel in Oklahoma City...final blood work tomorrow, and then Im free at last...free at LAST...GREAT GOD A-MIGHTY, FREE AT LAST! :)...Im thinking tonight maybe Teds for Mexican food, S.A.I.I for sushi, or even that ol debbil tourist trap Joes Crab Shack...been so long since Ive had seafood of any kind, Im sorta leaning toward Joes...I used to run around with a gal in Nashville that was a lobster junkie...would eat it three times a day every day if she could...in Nashville, theres Joes and Red Lobster, and thats pretty much it...I hated going to Joes because of that beehive parking scene downtown, and these days it costs a fortune to park down there, when you can find a lot with an empty space...so one night were in Red Lobster and asked the waitress why one lobster tail was cheaper than the other, and she said that the cheaper one had a more durable texture...Im serious... Today is D-Day I guess on that Ferguson thing...theyve already arrested two Black Panthers for plotting to set off bombs during the demonstrations, and Lord knows what else is up...Im concerned about one aspect especially, because I saw it in L.A. during that Rodney King trial of those cops who beat his ass, and evidently rightfully so as it turns out...when the courts cut them loose and black folk went crazy, looting and burning and so on, they dragged them back and prosecuted them again, finding them guilty that time...bending to the will of the mob, as it were, looks to me...I dont know what happened in St. Louis with that kid...if the cop was wrong and they indict him, well thats the way it should be, and he should pay the price...if on the other hand they indict him to appease an angry and potentially destructive mob, that does nothing to bolster my already eroding and flagging faith in the tottering American jurisprudence system...well see, I guess...keep your fingers crossed...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:57:47 +0000

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