O Lord, turn the wisdom of my enemies into foolishness. 1 “And - TopicsExpress


O Lord, turn the wisdom of my enemies into foolishness. 1 “And one told David, saying Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom. And David said, O Lord, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness” – 2 Samuel 15: 31 It is often said that wisdom is the right application of knowledge. It is one thing to know something and it is another thing entirely to be able to apply that which you know. Having an idea about a particular thing doesn’t necessarily depict wisdom because you may have an idea but wrong application of it can only be tantamount to foolishness (in other words foolishness is the wrong application of knowledge). I will have you know that our enemy, the devil, is not as powerful as people give him credit for; what makes him formidable is the wisdom he uses against the sons and daughters of men. Permit me to take you aback a little. The bodies of angels are superior to those of humans. Demons on the other hand are bodiless entities and therefore need a body to operate. Angels cannot possess a man because of this difference in body types existing between them and man whereas demons can. Demons only get to express themselves when they inhabit a man. Let me shock you a bit further, Satan cannot possess a man. Why? You may ask. Yes he cannot because he is an angel, in fact a fallen angel and so he has a form and body as opposed to his minions, the demons. Satan was not created a warrior angel, God never created the devil with the intention of using him to do battles; rather he made the devil with every precious stone and instrument of music you can imagine, that is to say, the devil was made specifically for music and not warfare (Ezekiel 28:13). Satan was so beautiful at creation that the Bible even referred to him as the ‘Son of the morning’ (Isaiah 14:12). Hitherto, Satan still enters into the presence of God by reason of him being one of the sons of God in time past. The book of Job reveals that to us; Consider Job 1:6. When the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan came also among them. These angels whom the Bible refers to as sons are angels who are in charge of some administrative blocks in heaven. Surmise it to say that they are Heads of Departments in heaven. Satan in his failed attempt to overthrow God, gathered some angels to himself and some how convinced those he could manage to convince to join in his rebellion against the Almighty God. I want to believe that he did some serious politicking among the angels in heaven, subtly engaging one of his priced virtues- wisdom, as he gathered some gullible angels to himself. Also, by virtue of his privileged position as a cherub in heaven, Satan had access to the secret parts of God and so thought over throwing God would be easy, little did he know that God’s throne is forever and ever (Psalm 45:6) and therefore He cannot be overthrown. Arch angel Michael is a warrior angel created solely for the purpose of warfare. He is also known as the angel of Israel (every nation on the face of the earth has an angel). The angel Michael is the most powerful of all the angels because he goes with the name of God as the Lord of Hosts. It was this angel together with other angels of God that cast Satan and his cohorts out of heaven. There are fallen angels more deadly and powerful than Satan. Presently there are two angels God chained down in a river known as River Euphrates. These angels have the strength and power to destroy the world in no time if allowed to operate, and so the world is safer with them tied down and immobilised. Now if Satan is surrounded by angels who are more powerful than him why then is he in charge of the Dark World? That is because he rules them with unequalled wisdom. His display of wisdom is unrivalled in the kingdom of darkness. The devil is rather manipulative than forceful. He controls his victims with wisdom not warfare. When he entered the Garden of Eden it was not to wage war against man, since he lacks the power to do effective battle, rather he entered with the only craft he had at his disposal: wisdom; and in his craftiness succeeded in wresting dominion power out of man’s hands. Satan who knew the importance of having communion with God and the benefits of having one’s life graced by the divine presence of God, loathed and envied man and so sought for ways to cast man out of the garden. But mind you, he didn’t go about setting the garden on fire or engaging Adam and his wife in an open confrontation, rather he disguised as a friend, befriended them and gradually won their confidence; and then he struck. Wisdom gave birth to patience which happens to be one of the greatest virtues the devil has. He doesn’t just carry out his evil intentions in the lives of his victims outrightly. Take time to study Absalom the son of David in 2 Samuel 15. He spent forty years devising means on how to overthrow his father. He started by getting for himself chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. Secondly, he positioned himself at the gate of the palace and was in the business of dishing out kind words to all that came by and giving them the impression that he would do better than his father if he was made the judge. It was so, that when anyone came to bow to him as a sign of respect, he would stretch forth his arms and hug and also kiss them. He gave out the impression that he was compassionate as well as humble and so would make a better king than his father, David. And with this Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel; his plans having fallen into place, his intentions came into full glare. And to crown it all he teamed up with Ahithophel whose counsel had the verisimilitude of the counsel of God (2 Samuel 16:23). To be continued… Prayer points 1. Thank God for His word. 2. Every wisdom of the enemy of my life and destiny, be turned to foolishness in the name of Jesus. 3. Satanic ancient wisdom operating from my root, your end has come, be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus. 4. Every Ahithophel giving evil counsels against my life and family these Ember months, you are a failure be frustrated and destroyed in the name of Jesus.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 08:40:04 +0000

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