O Muslim brothers and sisters Assalamualaikum !! Do you think - TopicsExpress


O Muslim brothers and sisters Assalamualaikum !! Do you think preparation of extravagant food and exchanging fancy dishes during Ramadan should be encouraged? I personally don’t support this idea because this not the purpose of this blessed month. Ramadan is a month of self-control and total dedication to reform oneself for the next 11 months. It is a practice period. So what are we practicing, relishing meals ? Wasting time in iftaar parties? Late night dinners and then prepare for suhoor again? Moreover it becomes an obligation upon the receiving parties to return the favour of iftaar .There by distracting the women from their ibaadah and spending more time in the kitchen and markets. Spending too much time on eating iftaar delays Magrib salah which is an undesired act. Although it is a virtuous deed to provide for the fasting person to break the fast, dates will do the needful as it is the way of our Prophet(SAW) . And instead of providing for well to do associates it is important to focus upon the under privileged. Remember charity is what you can do for those who can do nothing for you in return ! Do not forget Islam is a religion of simplicity. If the devel cannot make us sin, he makes us waste our time. Nafz is our devil, specially in Ramadaan. The goodness should start from you first and then expect the society to change because each person will do his duty to follow the commands and please the Almighty! May Allah guide us all on the straight path and keep us away from such vain activities . AAMEEN !
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:38:03 +0000

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