O Sensacionalismo da Inovação Tecnológica é foda. Os caras - TopicsExpress


O Sensacionalismo da Inovação Tecnológica é foda. Os caras não perdem a chance de "desbancar" leis, de "superar" renomados cientistas, de "achar" Bóson de higgs em todos os lugares e etc. Em um texto de 2011 os caras já apelam para "Leis da Física variam ao longo do Universo". Aí você vai lá na Physical Review Letters ler o artigo original e encontra um artigo interessante, mas MUITO mais ameno e que propõe em primeiro lugar "efeitos que não foram observados", mas aí vem o trampolim "Qualitatively, our results could violate the equivalence principle and infer a very large or infinite Universe", obviamente que o sensacionalismo dessas pessoas não iria deixar isso passar desapercebido! "Conclusions.—Quasar spectra obtained using two separate observatories show a spatial variation in the relative spacings of absorption lines which could be due to an as yet undetected systematic effect, or a dipole variation of . A fit to the dipole gives a significance of >= 4.2 sigma, assuming the error bars described above. Assuming a dipole interpretation, the two data sets exhibit internal consistency and the directions of the independently derived spatial dipoles agree. The magnitudes of the apparent Delta alpha/alpha variation in both data sets also agree. A subset of the quasar spectra observed at both observatories permits a direct test for systematics. So far, none are found which are likely to emulate the apparent cosmological dipole in  we detect. Consistency with other astronomical data is discussed in [14]. Consistency with laboratory, meteorite, and Oklo natural reactor is discussed in [15]. Short-wavelength oscillatory variations in the wavelength scale such as those reported by [16,17], do not significantly impact on our results. To explain our results in terms of systematics would require at least two different, finely tuned, effects. Future similar measurements targeting the apparent pole and antipole directions will maximize detection sensitivity, and further observations duplicated on two independent telescopes will better constrain systematics. Most importantly, an independent technique is required to check these results. Qualitatively, our results could violate the equivalence principle and infer a very large or infinite Universe, within which our ‘‘local’’ Hubble volume represents a tiny fraction, with correspondingly small variations in the physical constants. This work is supported by the Australian Research Council. We thank Steve Curran, Elliott Koch, and Julian Berengut for discussions throughout this work."
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:42:19 +0000

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