O how I wish today was an off day.....I wld literally sit and - TopicsExpress


O how I wish today was an off day.....I wld literally sit and study all day......I am always encouraged when I reach for my bible.....Thank You God for writing it all down and not leaving me alone when I read it.....It makes me feel at peace, more settled.....I feel full and satisfied, yet more hungry♥ Today I was reading about being tired......tired and worn....Have any of you heard the song Im tired, Im worn, my heart is heavy? I love that song bc we are human, we have those days....But I honestly believe being filled with the Holy Spirit gives us physical energy......I know for me, I get SO stinkin excited.....that is why I share so much....I AM EXCITED about His word and what I have seen Him do in my life!!!! People!!! I asked God for a sign that my father loved me as he layed dead in a casket...and what did i get?!?!!? I had a lady kneel down that I had never seen before and guess what she said???? Btw, this was less than 15 minutes after I begged God for that answer.......She said......are you Kelli???? In my big baby balling voice, I answered yes......she said I just want you to know that your daddy loved you!!!!! Wow! Yes people that was GOD!!!!! And the beginning of me BELIEVING......Not only that there was a God, but OMGOSH, I was LOVED so much by Him!!!!!! It seems that most people in the world today are tired.....The Holy Spirit will energize you....it will not energize us to be mean, hateful, selfish or self centered.....He gives us strength and energy to do the things God called us to do and to be kind, loving, diligent, and focused in the process....on Him~♥ Dont let anyone take those moments from you...God empowers us to face anything...mountains and mole hills.....He gives us spiritual strength to beat this ugly world.......Shine your light in, let the whole world see!!!!!!! Be the light in someones darkness.......Go go go!!!! Happppppppppy Thursday!!!!! Excited about my day!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:31:23 +0000

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