O opinie din cartea lui Nassim Taleb, „Antifragile”, - TopicsExpress


O opinie din cartea lui Nassim Taleb, „Antifragile”, inspirată de E.O. Wilson, cu care tind să fiu de acord: creșterea copiilor într-un mediu complet steril, în care nu au ocazia să experimenteze autonom și aleator, sau să aibă contact cu o largă varietate de situații, ci toate activitățile li-s planificate, îi privează de experiențe de viață importante (necesare, nu și suficiente). The biologist and intellectual E. O. Wilson was once asked what represented the most hindrance to the development of children; his answer was the soccer mom. (...) His argument is that they repress childrens natural biophilia, their love of living things. But the problem is more general; soccer moms try to eliminate the trial and error, the antifragility, from childrens lives, move them away from the ecological and transform them into nerds working on preexisting (soccer-mom-compatible) maps of reality. (Nassim Taleb, Antifragile) Am găsit și articolul din care a fost preluată ideea: In 1984, Edward Wilson published a slim volume called Biophilia. In it he proposed the eponymous term, which literally means love of life, to label what he defined as humans innate tendency to focus on living things, as opposed to the inanimate. While Wilson acknowledged that hard evidence for the proposition is not yet strong, the scientific study of biophilia being in its infancy, he stressed that the biophilic tendency is nevertheless so clearly evinced in daily life and widely distributed as to deserve serious attention. ... Children who remain out of touch with the natural world are like cattle in a feedlot, Wilson says. They may appear content, but are they children—or cattle—in the fullest sense? pbs.org/wgbh/nova/nature/conversation-eo-wilson.html
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:15:56 +0000

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