O single muslim O single muslim ! How chaste are you ! While - TopicsExpress


O single muslim O single muslim ! How chaste are you ! While ithers engage in sin , And fulfill their desires , Yoy shut the many calls to sin , For fear of the hellfire ! O single muslim ! How modest are you ! While others are alone , They loose their fear of Allah , But alone or not you lower your gaze , Refusing to look at haraam ! O single muslim ! How sensible are you ! While other waste away their hours , Watching hollywood flicks , You spend them worshipping Allah , Fasting and increasing your ilm ! O single muslim ! How devoted are you ! While others memorize lyrics of the lastest songs , You make an effort to memorize duaas and Quran ! O single muslim ! How upright are you ! While others foolishly throw Quran and sunnah to the side , You strive to learn and implement them both into your life ! O single muslim ! How blessed are you ! While others gossip , and partake in useless matters , You spend your time reflecting and preparing for the hereafter ! O single muslim ! How aware are you ! While others fall for the first person , Who plays the sweet card , You know the tricks of shaytaan, And remain constantly on guard ! O single muslim ! How steadfast are you ! While ithers loise their dignity and modesty along the way , You remain chaste and honorable , And your sabr only increses each day ! O single muslim ! How fortunate are you ! While others rack up sins for forming illicit relationships , You gain reward from Allah For your trails and hardships ! O single muslm ! How intelligent are you ! While some make marraiage Their ultimate goal , You know uts inly a means To reach the final abode ! O single muslim ! How wise are you ! While others desire spouses With only beauty and riches , You desire an upright person , with good character and religion ! O single muslim ! How successful are you ! While others spend their time in grief , regretting their foolishnesd and haste , For your steadfastness and patience , Allah grants you one of His most rightous slaves ! And o single muslim ! How honored are you ! While others who lived in sin will be humiliated on Qiyamah , You will be granted honor and shade in the day where there is No shade , Except under the Throne of Allah
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:32:35 +0000

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