OAS Receives ‘Government Aid’ In a surprising response to - TopicsExpress


OAS Receives ‘Government Aid’ In a surprising response to Tuesday’s distribution of Operation American Spring’s (oas2014) formal demands to members of both houses of Congress, reports are surfacing that OAS’ office in Florida is beginning to receive inside information through several sources in a number of Government Agencies, including Homeland Security, DOJ, NSA, and one alleged to be from the White House. It appears the information revealed what was already suspected, that the agencies and Administration are not only aware of OAS and its demands and objectives, but that they have been placed on ‘high alert’ by the White House. Even more interesting, they are scrambling to develop strategies and tactics to counter what is anticipated as the largest mass protest against the most oppressive and malfeasant bureaucracy in America’s history. Notes and internal document images indicate the elevated level of concern the administration has over OAS efforts to force DOJ to take legal action against at least seven, high-ranking federal officials, including President Obama. Since law immunizes a sitting president from arrest, such measures cannot be enforced, but lower-ranking officials do not share that same protection and are vulnerable, minimally, to charges of complicity in what may be viewed by many as ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’. Further complicating the issue is the fact that DOJ head, Eric Holder is also among those OAS is demanding to resign. Although President Obama is exempt from arrest, he is extremely vulnerable to impeachment, a threat he cannot take lightly. His official actions as President have received harsh criticism by some and expressions of outrage by many. It is further asserted that, if brought before Congress to face Articles of Impeachment, ample evidence to impeach is well established, not only by public records, but by every news agency in the world. Adding to the legal threat, public opinion from both sides of the political spectrum are rapidly building against the President. Even staunch, left-wing ideologues, such as Bill Maher, a huge financial supporter, and Rob Lowe, have recently turned against the President and ‘unacceptable government overreach’. While no specific details were released as to what OAS countermeasures Obama’s regime may be developing, it is clear, from the number and spontaneity of leaks, that there may be more trouble in Obama-Paradise than was originally suspected. In spite of any fears they may have concerning their job security, this new version of ‘whistle-blowers’ seems to be unabated due to their even greater apprehensions over the security of our Republic. The Obama Administration has always been considered leak-central to many in the news media, but his sieve-like security system is indicative of much more than just sloppy housekeeping; it is a vivid and palpable demonstration of the ground-swell, grassroots movement to reinstate Constitutional constraints on what many see as an out-of-control administration, and an unresponsive, maladroit—even criminal—Federal bureaucracy. As rumors abound around OAS’s proposed ‘Arab Spring’-modelled demonstration, there is one thing becoming clear: OAS is definitely stirring the DC pudding. OAS leader, Col. Harry Riley, was unavailable for comment in time for this publication, but his office made it clear that they are taking the purported threats against their participants seriously, but that their mission is too critical to be deterred. It was further clarified that OAS is committed to establishing a peaceful, unarmed, non-violent presence of more than one million patriotic Americans in DC until their demands that Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder resign.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 23:25:02 +0000

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