OBAMA FOREIGN POLICY IS “FOREIGN INDEED! Who could’ve anticipated the many grotesquely naïve Obama policies that have helped precipitate the world being “on fire? To be sure, here are just a few examples: In January, Obama told The New Yorker that ISIS was minor league. He also said, “Al Qaeda Has Been Decimated.” While mocking Romney, he infamously stated “The 1980s Are Now Calling To Ask For Their Foreign Policy Back.” But, now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, they shot down a passenger airliner, with Edward Snowden to reveal national security secrets, Obama’s line doesn’t look all that clever. In 2011, Obama stated, “Iraqs Future Will Be In The Hands Of Its People,” now however, children are being beheaded and crucified (yes, actually crucified!), women are being sold and enslaved (taken from their husbands and given to ISIS marauders), and Christians have been killed and/or permanently displaced (all at the hands of minor league ISIS). Obama’s “brilliant stroke” of support on the Arab Spring has left Libya and Egypt in shambles, while old allies like Turkey and Syria have now become terrible foes. This partial list confirms Obama’s naiveté at best (brazen idiocy at worst), and the examples go on and on! Even with his clear and robust dereliction, he will thoroughly enjoy a 12-day vacation in Marthas Vineyard, as countless innocents die and world “burns”…INDEED!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:19:47 +0000

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