OBAMA IS HITLER Checking the comments on Austerity on Autopilot - TopicsExpress


OBAMA IS HITLER Checking the comments on Austerity on Autopilot last night, I came across these three words: Obama is Hitler. It sent shivers down my spine. Have we already forgotten the evil that Adolf Hitler did -- 22 to 30 million Russian deaths, 7 to 9 million German deaths, 6 million Jewish deaths, 5.8 million Polish deaths, 4 million Yugoslavian, Austrian, Belgian, Czech, French, Greek, Italian and Dutch deaths plus 1 million British, Canadian and American deaths in WWII? Have we become so blinded by hate so as to ignore the fact that the blood spilled on the beeches of Anzio and Normandy and at crossroads and villages to defeat Hitler came in but one color: red? Or that American patriots of all colors fought and died side by side? And have we become so jaded in our politics -- no, so dysfunctional as a Democracy -- that we cannot recognize Barack Obama for what he is: The President of the United States of America? A President elected, twice, by a majority of votes cast. If we, as a Nation, cannot distinguish between the tyranny of the devil incarnate and a democratically elected president, then we all should fear the future. Perhaps, it is time to call a truce in our politics of personal destruction, to lower the volume levels of our rhetoric, to take a deep breath and to find the common ground where patriots from both parties can make Democracy work for us all.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:00:32 +0000

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