OBAMA ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL TO SPIN MORE LIES ABOUT OBAMACARE(FORCED CARE) TO HIS FORMER CAMPAIGN SUPPORTERS.WANTS TO SEE WHICH LIE WORKS BEST. MR RESIDENT,WHERE ARE THOSE 15 MILLION WITHOUT HEALTHCARE? THEY HAVE NOT SIGNED UP YET?MAYBE THEY HAVENT CROSSED THE BORDER YET? Obama, under fire for health law stumbles, tries to hit reset with supporters Published November 18, 2013FoxNewsFacebook7 Twitter15 LinkedIn0 Under fire from the right and the left for the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama is taking a break from the hostile questioning of reporters and lawmakers to spend some time with another group -- his most loyal supporters. The president on Monday night will get on the phone with supporters from Organizing for Action, his de facto campaign arm. Though Obama is no longer campaigning for office, hes still pushing several major pieces of legislation in his remaining three years -- and trying to convince his base to keep the faith on ObamaCare. The call on Monday night will represent one of the few remaining environments he can control; unlike last weeks press conference in the White House briefing room where he faced tough, at times aggressive, questions from reporters. The president apologized last week for the problem-plagued rollout, and specifically for the millions of cancellation notices that have gone out from insurance companies due to ObamaCare rules, despite his own promise that people could keep their plans if they wanted. Obama, in a sudden about-face, announced that his administration would allow insurance companies to continue offering out-of-compliance plans for another year. That decision, coupled with the ongoing problems with the ObamaCare website, has stirred concern about the future health of the program. Many insurance companies and commissioners are loath to try and claw back the cancellation notices theyve sent out. And while moderate Democrats had pressed the administration to make the change, others suggested the move was unnecessary. On the presidents left flank, the concern is that Obama went too far in caving to the pressure from cancellation notices. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on NBCs Meet the Press that the president is being gracious but that doesnt mean that there was anything in the law that said if you like what you had before 2010 you couldnt keep it. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., on ABCs This Week, also suggested lawmakers knew all along that people could lose their plans -- because they wouldnt meet the minimum standards under the law. [Obama] should have just been specific, Gillibrand said. No, we all knew, the whole point of the plan is to cover things people need, like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy. The call on Monday could cover a range of topics, including the presidents oft-stated desire to push through an immigration bill in his second term, if not this year. In an email to supporters on Friday, Obama said: I want to cut through the noise and talk with you directly about where were headed in the fight for change. Strategist David Axelrod, in another message on Sunday, urged backers to reserve their spot on the call, saying OFA has a big role to play here. But even some of the presidents most trusted hands are starting to raise questions about the administration. Former Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, speaking Monday on NBCs Today, reiterated his call for firings over the botched rollout of the website. He said the president is likely frustrated that nobody told him of the problems. Former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Jr., who served under George W. Bush, though, told Fox News that its not credible to think the White House didnt know what was going on. I suspect the president even knew, Card said. I think its time for strong new leadership to come in.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:40:09 +0000

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