OBAMA THREATENING TO SUPPORT THE PA BID FOR STATEHOOD AT THE U.N........... OBAMA CANNOT RELEASE POLLARD BUT HE EXPECTS US TO RELEASE THE MURDERERS OF OUR CHILDREN. Gabriel Ben Ohr..... The Obama Regime demands we release murderers. The murderers of the Fogel family as well. Obama is threatening to support the PA bid for Statehood at the UN even though the terrorist group has no legal leg to stand on. Here in Israel, we know that Obama is taking his marching orders from that genocidal maniac, Erdogan of Turkey who wants his Ottoman empire back. We also know that Iran is planning to attack the Saudis and this will happen. John McCain is supporting the leftist cause to divide up our land and end the Jewish State. I can assure you, this will not happen. If they want a war, then war they shall have. Palestinians are nothing more than Syrian, Jordanian Fedayeen. The US has abandoned us, we know this. But, even so, there are good people in America who have not, and for that; we are eternally grateful. My love and shalom to you all who love my people, and our nation, Israel. Obama, cant release Jonathan Pollard but he expects us to release the murderers of our children. May G-d judge him swiftly for this evil.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 17:01:08 +0000

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